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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
mornelithe said:
bananaking21 said:

its more about online viewers now. and E3 is still considered "the big" show. gamescom is good, and its actually a show filled with cool announcements. however sony seems to be the most one who cares about it.

Which makes me think we should really be looking forward to Gamescom, and expecting little out of E3 going forward :)

i expect interesting things from gamescom. but no megatons. the last 2 years gamescom was mostly about good games, but not the huge block busters. GS 2012 was mostly about Vita, Tearaway, Killzone, AC and CoD were shown. and Pupeteer and rain were announced for PS3, which were interesting and good games. GS 2013 was all indie, albiet on purpose, but it showed "bigger" indie games like Rime, Shadow of the Beast, MineCraft and Everybodies Gone to the rapture. it also had LBP Hub (which seems to be cancelled) which is an interesting game.

so i am expecting those kind of games from gamescom this year. im not expecting the big block busters, but the games that usually dont move systems, but have their audience and are good, sometimes great and underrated games. 

i dont expect Quantic Dream, Guerrilla Games, Sony Bend, or Media Molecule to be there. yet i expect a decent show, with probably more of The Order 1886 gameplay, DriveClub Whether gameplay/trailer and more LBP3. maybe some more bloodborne too? 

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The Last of Us on PS4 Won’t Support Pre-Load; Naughty Dog Devs “Can’t Go back” After Playing at 60 FPS
by Giuseppe Nelva

The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 is just little over a month away, as it’ll launch on July 29th, and there are good news and bad news about it.

As usual, we’ll start with the bad. Unfortunately the game won’t be available for pre-load, and the reason seems a little flimsy, explained by Digital Distribution Manager Chieh Chen in a comment on the PlayStation Blog.

Since pre-order for The Last of Us Remastered started before May 20, 2014, this title will not support the pre-load feature.

Chen also explained that “the pre-order set-up for this title is a little different,” causing it not to use the newly introduced pre-order features in the store (which for instance make the purchase button appear as “pre-order” instead of “add to cart”).

Moving on to the good news, looks like the good folks at Naughty Dog have been playtesting the game lately, and Uncharted 4 Lead Game Designer Kurt Mugenau seems to be definitely enthusiastic about the move to 60 FPS:

Played some #TLOU at 60 fps tonight for the first time (60fps cutscenes and all). Transformitive. I’m a believer. Don’t think I can go back.

Mugenau also reassured a fan that was worried about cutscenes losing the cinematic effect:

I was worried about the “soap opera” effect too, but in playing it, it’s consistent with the gameplay so it’s invisible.

Dynamics Artist Neilan Naicker also agreed with his impression on the multiplayer side:

That’s been my experience playing the multiplayer, I can’t imagine playing it any other way now.

Interestingly, not everyone at Naughty Dog is exactly on the same page about this, as 3D Environment Artist Anthony Vaccaro (you’ll possibly remember his awesome artwork we featured recently) commented:

MP I totally agree with 60 but single player I still prefer 30, feels more cinematic to me. Might be in the minority.

This is just another demonstration that the dialogue between 30 and 60 fps supporters is often bound to very personal perceptions and taste.

Personally, I always felt that 60 FPS is great, but not always the right solution for every game. In some cases it’s better to go for higher fidelity or effects. In the case, since it seems that Naughty Dog is paying the due genuflections to both frame rate and visuals, what’s not to love?


eFKac said:
Yoshida said in an interview at E3 that Sony will have announcements during every big event, so there definitely will be something new for Gamescom, plus traditional slate of smaller and indie titles.
Expecting GG new IP, as Mm is working on a Morpheus title. On the other hand I think Gamescom with 300k atendees is the perfect spot to showcase Morpheus to a wide audience, so maybe Mm new IP and playable?

honestly, i would LOVE if Gamescom was a "Morphues Show" this year. i was hoping this for a while actually. however i think its too soon. morphues was just announced 3 months ago and its stilla  prototype, and its most likely  has a 2015 holiday release date, so i doubt this will happen. 


though i cant say i am not very interested in knowing what the hell this game is, and shinobi said it wasnt Sony bends game, so who exactly is making it, and how did they manage to make it looks so freakishly scary and awesome


i actually like Ryuu

bananaking21 said:
i actually like Ryuu

Is Ryuu that dude who accounts for like 1/5th of the XB nation thread? :p

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gooch_destroyer said:
mornelithe said:
TLOU HD Remaster #1 on Amazon Yeehawwww.

That matches the song I'm listening to so much........

Zekkyou said:
bananaking21 said:
i actually like Ryuu

Is Ryuu that dude who accounts for like 1/5th of the XB nation thread? :p

i think he accounts for more. but yes, that is the dude. 

NobleTeam360 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
mornelithe said:
TLOU HD Remaster #1 on Amazon Yeehawwww.

That matches the song I'm listening to so much........


gooch_destroyer said:
NobleTeam360 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
mornelithe said:
TLOU HD Remaster #1 on Amazon Yeehawwww.

That matches the song I'm listening to so much........


NobleTeam360 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
NobleTeam360 said:
gooch_destroyer said:

That matches the song I'm listening to so much........


lmao, it really does fit well with the part starting at 1:05.