mornelithe said:
Which makes me think we should really be looking forward to Gamescom, and expecting little out of E3 going forward :) |
i expect interesting things from gamescom. but no megatons. the last 2 years gamescom was mostly about good games, but not the huge block busters. GS 2012 was mostly about Vita, Tearaway, Killzone, AC and CoD were shown. and Pupeteer and rain were announced for PS3, which were interesting and good games. GS 2013 was all indie, albiet on purpose, but it showed "bigger" indie games like Rime, Shadow of the Beast, MineCraft and Everybodies Gone to the rapture. it also had LBP Hub (which seems to be cancelled) which is an interesting game.
so i am expecting those kind of games from gamescom this year. im not expecting the big block busters, but the games that usually dont move systems, but have their audience and are good, sometimes great and underrated games.
i dont expect Quantic Dream, Guerrilla Games, Sony Bend, or Media Molecule to be there. yet i expect a decent show, with probably more of The Order 1886 gameplay, DriveClub Whether gameplay/trailer and more LBP3. maybe some more bloodborne too?