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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Let it die sounds good to me..i like violent games like that, + Suda's craziness. Putting it side by side with what Nintendo showed is an example of why i don't care for Nintendo. Sorry that you feel differently

Though yes the F2P part does make me pause, but i'll wait and see how that works

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Ka-pi96 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
So apparently Lily Bergamo is no more, and has been replaced by Let it Die...... color me very disappointed. I was looking forward to some over the top action game, but instead we get a F2P game.

Not saying that it might not be good but I was more interested in Lily. Sud51a very poorly tried to say that Let it Die is an evolution of Lily.........I call bullshit. They cancelled Lily because they had nothing and all their past games haven't sold well so they decided to try and appeal more to Western audiences with gruesome action game and F2P so minimal loss.

There is almost zero similarity between the two games and for them to try and trick us and say "Oh well if you were interested in THAT game, this IS that game....just different" is kinda offensive.

Agreed. Lily Bergamo sounded promising, something I'd definitely be willing to buy. Let it Die I won't even play, and that's saying something when it's a free to play game.

Apparently, Lily Bergamo was surpposed to be F2P too.

Only Suda game I really enjoyed was Lollipop Chainsaw. Wish we could get a sequel to that.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Ka-pi96 said:
gooch_destroyer said:

Apparently, Lily Bergamo was surpposed to be F2P too.

Way to kick a man when he's down

Cheer up

Ka-pi96 said:
gooch_destroyer said:

Cheer up

Now, to figure out why I kept watching for a whole minute...

Booty too fat.

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Found this on Dualshockers

First look at the PlayStation Now subscription?
I wonder exactly what you get for that price. $50 a year and you get those games for that year? The picture wasn't accompanied by any text or explanation.

poklane said:

Found this on Dualshockers

First look at the PlayStation Now subscription?
I wonder exactly what you get for that price. $50 a year and you get those games for that year? The picture wasn't accompanied by any text or explanation.

Surprising that the writer didn't note that right there in the picture it says Summer 2014, that would automatically lead me to assume you'll have multiple lineups seasonally.  Now, whether you have access to those lineups for that entire year...or what, dunno.  We'll have to wait for more details.

Ka-pi96 said:
I'm hoping it is one subcription price with access to everything rather than individual rentals.

I can see them doing both. But if there's one subscription for the whole service giving access to everything, it will probably be quite expensive :p

Couple things,,,
I hear MM is not making LBP 3. That's okay with me if it's the Vita lbp devs making lbp 3. I actually thought the Vita version was the best in the series. Also... What's with the Vita digs Gooch :(">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Couple things,,,
I hear MM is not making LBP 3. That's okay with me if it's the Vita lbp devs making lbp 3. I actually thought the Vita version was the best in the series. Also... What's with the Vita digs Gooch :(

Yup. I wonder what MM is making then. Hopefully we'll see something at Gamescom.