bananaking21 said:
Sony is the one hyping multiplatform games. because lets be honest, they are the main reason both consoles sell. you think any exclusive this year will boost console sales as much as Destiny will boost PS4? there wont be.
Assassins Creed, FarCry4, Battlefield and Destiny will all likely be present at the show. whoever thinks that these wont be the major console movers for these two systems this year are very mistaken.
Honestly, I think devs/publishers are showcasing their multiplatform games on Playstation hardware, because it gives them the best performance to showcase their game? As far as exclusives, not too many have been announced thus far. However, I would say that a steady stream of hype has been coming for Driveclub.
As far as Destiny? Who knows. We'll have to wait and see when it launches. But, my point is, Sony doesn't have to advertise these games nearly as hard, because the developers want to, on Sony's hardware, regardless of what Sony chooses to do. The PS4 is going to be the standard bearer for all shown multi-plat games, because...well, devs want to put their best foot forward. We saw this last gen with the 360 while everyone was struggling to figure out the PS3's design. Then, later in the gen, it started going the other way, because yes, the PS3 was indeed marginally more powerful than the 360.
I never once said, not once, that multi-plat games won't move hardware. I said that last gen's paradigm of Microsoft's hardware outperforming Sony's, causing MP games to look better on the 360, no longer applies, and will simply not apply this gen. So whatever MP games they showcase is merely doing Sony a favor. Will Sony show MP games at their conference, of course, will Microsoft, of course. It still won't help Microsoft like it did last gen. It allows Sony to be a bit more free with the games they show at their conference, by which I mean, they won't have to drive home why getting it on the PS4 is the better option, because the vast majority of people know why, and the devs are constantly asked by the media which hardware performs better. In this sense, this gen will be allot like last gen in reverse. Microsoft will have to look inward and starting really encouraging their devs to get creative and explore the hardware they have (like Naughty Dog, for example). To create compelling IP/franchises that they can create excitement about.
Focusing on multi-plats just won't carry as much weight for them, as it once did.