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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
Teeqoz said:
mornelithe said:

Yeah see, here's the problem, if there's ever a legal issue, guess who's liable?  Not just the group, but Forbes as well.  They allow their name to be used, they should be providing oversight.  They don't, it's on them.

Are you sure about that? That seems like something that Forbes would cover in their terms of service/contract or whatever for their contributors.

I guess it depends entirely upon who has access/authority over the Twitter account.  The article has nothing to do with this conversation by the way, it was the tweet...not the article that was clearly wrong.  Also, Forbes can't just absolve themselves of responsibility via contract, at least, it would absolutely have to withstand a legal challenge, and I'm not sure a situation like that has arisen yet.  But, there's plenty of reason to assume there's at least a fair chance of success in court.  Holding a parent company responsible in a lawsuit absolutely has occurred in the past.  

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BraLoD said:
mornelithe said:

While it could've been construed as a jab at Nintendo, I think it was meant to add context to what happens when you have a PS+ like service with tons of different offerings (movies as well as games etc...) versus a service like what Nintendo provides.  Also, if you followed Zhuge, you'd notice he said on Twitter today that he'd love to post Microsoft's network info, but they won't release it.  Soooo, when you only have two companies providing their financials in this regard, well...comparisons are fine imo. 

I think, however, just like when Microsoft, or Sony are struggling, Nintendo folks can be just as overly sensitive and see insult where none actually exists.   It seems that only certain individuals in the forums are given carte blanche to troll, as long as they have previously identified themselves as said troll.  Which is why someone can go into a thread talking about 2015 financials, and post financial information ending 5 years ago, stretching back to the 90's as if that's somehow relevant to the thread.

That last tweet was just one of them, it happens sometimes, that's why I wish that he would hold somewhat, and some are clearly aimed at what they are aimed, you don't need to be on the other end to see it or try to see it, it's pretty clear. It's not one-sided as well.

Heh, yeah he just posted a good one that takes a swipe at Microsoft...or is just a terrible pun lol (For it to be a swipe, XBL would have to be having tech issues, but I don't pay attention to what's going on with the networks, so I couldn't tell ya).  

"How many engineers does it take to fix Xbox Live?" 





"I hate myself"


That having been said, in context of his comments with Nintendo, the comparison is fair, and simply for lack of any other alternatives (And there was no indication in his tweet that it was any kind of jab, it's a matter of factly stated, not Hahaha fuck you Nintendo).  He's posted plenty of Nintendo sales info today, not to mention Pokemon stuff.  

In context of Forbes, fuck them.  Zero fucks given. Forbes, at one point, was sort of like Time, or fuck, even Rolling Stone.  Highly regarded centers for journalism.  They have a verified twitter account that tweeted absurdly...just absurdly false information, so incredibly false, that I doubt you could find very may individuals who consider themselves interested or involved in the tech industry who'd confuse Sony as the producer of the 360.  Wouldn't that be like saying Apple released an update for Windows 10?

Thread title made me curious about Sony killing off 360, then saw it was a twitter mishap. lol

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


with how many comments you see on the internet how bad ps+ is (#it'ssucksapparently), but looking at my experience with it:

cost: 30€ (for 6 month ps+)

free games I got:
freedom wars 24,99€
dragon age origins 14,99€
grim fandango 10,99€
beyond good and evil 9,99€

I guess I do a pretty good job at getting the most out of my investment in ps+

Somebody tell Brolad I was in Japan a few days ago and bought a copy of Legend of Dragoon for him but accidentally threw it in the garbage.

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Just a heads up the Nioh demo is available to download now.

seems like alienation is doing good with critics and fans so far

anyone getting this game?

Welp, Uncharted 4 gameplay has appeared on YouTube...

poklane said:
Welp, Uncharted 4 gameplay has appeared on YouTube...

Where?  Got a link?