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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

 $399/$399/£349/CAD549, coming October 2016. PS Camera and move controllers not included

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Oh, $399 without the move and camera is about what I expected sadly enough. Gonna wait it out until they lower the price and there are some games I truly want on VR. Outlast 2 would be pretty sweet for starters...

Edit: Oh yea forgot about this one, if it comes west then I'll get the VR much quicker.


BraLoD said:
Shadow8 said:

Oh, $399 without the move and camera is about what I expected sadly enough. Gonna wait it out until they lower the price and there are some games I truly want on VR. Outlast 2 would be pretty sweet for starters...

Edit: Oh yea forgot about this one, if it comes west then I'll get the VR much quicker.

Gran Turismo and Ace Combat on VR should be awesome, I'm really looking foward impressions on those.
Final Fantasy XIV as well, it's no SAO but it's the first step XP

But yeah, Summer Lesson and the pervy uses is where the money is at

PSVR (Porn Station Virtual Reality)

That's right GT Sports, Ace Combat and I believe Tekken as well are gonna use VR, it'll be interesting to see how they transition to VR. Maybe FF XV will support it? Would look amazing if it did that's for sure. It's gonna take a while until we get to SAO level, but it's looking like a good start so far :)

But yea, PSVR was definetly intended to be used for pervy stuff. Why else would they make us play with a dild- I mean the PS Move xD


BraLoD said:
Shadow8 said:

That's right GT Sports, Ace Combat and I believe Tekken as well are gonna use VR, it'll be interesting to see how they transition to VR. Maybe FF XV will support it? Would look amazing if it did that's for sure. It's gonna take a while until we get to SAO level, but it's looking like a good start so far :)

But yea, PSVR was definetly intended to be used for pervy stuff. Why else would they make us play with a dild- I mean the PS Move xD

I'm not too confident on Tekken, though, but yeah, they said it'll have PSVR support, the problem is how will Tekken play with VR... I imagine it'll be montion controls with the move, and that might be horrible as it usually is concerning motion controls, specially to fast fighting games.
I rather play Tekken 7 the usual way XP

About FF XV, I dunno, never mentioned, probably won't support it, maybe it's for the best, let VR get to the MMO side of the RPGs, I use to play them for far too long each sitting, that would be very confortable to do with something on my head all the time xP

Harada is probably just trolling us with that xD VR for Tekken will probably be for some minigame or some weird Summer Lesson collaboration. If it really is using the move for fighting then it'll be pretty bad, rather play it the usual way as well xD

Allright MMO should get priority xD it's just very exciting that VR is showing a lot of potential and I would like to see that potential be put to good use, but one step at a time xD.


the-pi-guy said:
Shadow8 said:

That's right GT Sports, Ace Combat and I believe Tekken as well are gonna use VR, it'll be interesting to see how they transition to VR. Maybe FF XV will support it? Would look amazing if it did that's for sure. It's gonna take a while until we get to SAO level, but it's looking like a good start so far :)

But yea, PSVR was definetly intended to be used for pervy stuff. Why else would they make us play with a dild- I mean the PS Move xD

It supports otherworldly media! 

(Time to download VR pron to a USB).... 

The future is here!


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Googh updated the OP! Upvoted

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Your game must be in a really bad shape for Sony to drop the project and sell/give you the IP.

Fuck you Soony

poklane said:

Your game must be in a really bad shape for Sony to drop the project and sell/give you the IP.

one really has to wonder what the hell is going on with that game. 

The new "The Last Guardian" xD
With TLG coming out, we needed a game to take its place :P