eFKac said:
bananaking21 said:
eFKac said:
bananaking21 said: ^^ interesting. they showed GoW:A im assuming thats because they are gonna announce the port then. they also showed a lot of killzone, maybe hinting at a GG new ip reveal? also, who is that oldish dude with the long white hair at the end? |
Looked like the dude from the Luminous Engine Squere Enix demo to me.
So from if im gonna take anything from this video, im expecting a GG new IP reveal. Final Fantasy 15, Destiny gameplay, TLoU PS4, Quantic Dream New IP, GoW:A PS4, and more DriveClub. thats IF this video actually hints at anything, lol.
Sounds about right regardless of the video even. The Order, TLoU, DriveClub, Destiny, Assassins Creed Unity/Far Cry4/Rainbow Six, GoW:A, FF 15 are pretty much guaranteed to have some time and or on stage demos during Sony's E3. We also have 3 new game announcements most probably, Bloodbore, Entwinted, Kill Strain. One might be GG, although I'm expecting either GG or Media Molecule to debut their game during Gamescom.
I wonder if it's not too early for Quantic Dream to announce their New IP. We know they worked on it even before Beyond shipped but it probably hit full production in second half of 2013 only.
QD have been working on their game since mid 2012. so it would have been in development for about 2 years when E3 comes along. so they could certainly show it. the question is IF they do, i doubt they will honestly. maybe, i dont know lol. bloodbore could pretty much be a QD game.
Entwined sounds like the MM game, and since it would have been in development for 3-3.5 years by E3, im guessing we will very much see MM's game.
it seems that everybody is expecting GG to announce their new IP at E3, since it would have been in dev for 2.75 years by then. im guessing its either killstrain or bloodbore, if i would have to chose i would say its bloodbore, Killstrain is just to close to killzone as a name.
Killstrain might very well be Sony Bends Game, which has been in dev for around 2 -2.5 years by now. Syphon Filter: Killstrain? or a new IP? im hoping new IP.
GG, MM, QD are all EU studios, so it wouldnt be surprised if one of their games is announced at gamescom, which is an EU show. Sony Bend is an American Studio, so E3 seems more likely.