Fusioncode said:
DerNebel said:
All to fit the agenda... but to be fair, some PS fans do the same, Titanfall for example was also getting alot of very forced hate, but that died down after its release (just like the interest in the game /jk)
But yeah Driveclub and The Order have been constantly downplayed everytime we got some information about them, I guess that's just the nature of the console war 
Let's hope they deliver to help silence the naysayers, I unfortunately have not that much confidence in Driveclub (even if it looks absolutely stunning graphically) but I'm actually still quite confident in The Order, I just hope Sony markets this right, I want it to be a new 5-6mil+ seller franchise for Sony.
I'll be the first to admit Sony does a poor job showing off their exclusives. Microsoft knows how to advertise and that's their biggest strength. But Ready at Dawn has earned enough goodwill for me to give them a chance. I have high hopes for The Order.
Me too and if Sony want to then they can also make a great marketing campaign, case in point TLOU or just everything about the PS4. It just depends on Sony remembering what they themselves said about concentrating on big AAA games and filling the gaps with indies (or something of that sort), if you want The Order to be a big AAA success, then you need to show the game off right and that is certainly not done via twitch stream.