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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
GameMasterPC said:
GamechaserBE said:
Not so interested in the UC collection but would love an R&C one especially with the delay :s.

There is one on PS3.

I think he meant the futute triogy. 

Around the Network
BraLoD said:
ReimTime said:

Episode Duscae Vers 2.0 Trailer. Looking good!


Not as good as your avi xD

But will it be digital only? People who got the first demo with Type-0 will be able to update to it?

I'm feeling like SE is already milking FF15 with it not even out yet

You have good taste BraLod hehe

Yea it's digital only and exclusive to those who had access to Duscae Vers 1.0

#1 Amb-ass-ador

BraLoD said:
ReimTime said:

You have good taste BraLod hehe

Yea it's digital only and exclusive to those who had access to Duscae Vers 1.0

If it's free so it's really a nice thing then.

Hope they show some FF15 at E3, but I guess they won't.

Yep a free download to anyone who bought Type 0 and redeemed the code. Not available to anyone else

They are skipping E3 and showing at Gamescom, not sure why they chose Gamescom tbh but hey footage is footage.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Finished X and X-2! I actually enjoyed X-2 more for the battle system, story... not so much.

Really enjoying the announcements PS is getting (Zesteria PS4 rumored), Berseria, and most likely a JRPG announcement from Sony at E3.

Guess it's going to be a Summer of PS for me
Next up Xillia 2 (hope I remembered what I did in the first game...).
Oh lastly, I'm making it my goal to finally play The Last of Us by August 31st.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Finished X and X-2! I actually enjoyed X-2 more for the battle system, story... not so much.

Really enjoying the announcements PS is getting (Zesteria PS4 rumored), Berseria, and most likely a JRPG announcement from Sony at E3.

Guess it's going to be a Summer of PS for me
Next up Xillia 2 (hope I remembered what I did in the first game...).
Oh lastly, I'm making it my goal to finally play The Last of Us by August 31st.


#1 Amb-ass-ador

Around the Network
ReimTime said:
Slade6alpha said:
Finished X and X-2! I actually enjoyed X-2 more for the battle system, story... not so much.

Really enjoying the announcements PS is getting (Zesteria PS4 rumored), Berseria, and most likely a JRPG announcement from Sony at E3.

Guess it's going to be a Summer of PS for me
Next up Xillia 2 (hope I remembered what I did in the first game...).
Oh lastly, I'm making it my goal to finally play The Last of Us by August 31st.


Shhhhhh I'm in your closet. Just be cool.  

Edit: Walked into that gay joke on purpose....">"><img src="

BraLoD said:
Slade6alpha said:
Finished X and X-2! I actually enjoyed X-2 more for the battle system, story... not so much.

Really enjoying the announcements PS is getting (Zesteria PS4 rumored), Berseria, and most likely a JRPG announcement from Sony at E3.

Guess it's going to be a Summer of PS for me
Next up Xillia 2 (hope I remembered what I did in the first game...).
Oh lastly, I'm making it my goal to finally play The Last of Us by August 31st.


I'm about to end X right now, I enjoyed the batle system, if X-2 is better that would be great.

And you have to play TLoU yet? Great! Hope you love it.

Won't spoil anything major, but I will say it is different to come from 10 to 10-2. 

No I bought it on PS3, but never got around to playing it, sold it when they announced a PS4 version... Doesn't make any sense financially, but I wanted to play the PS4 version. 

Now I just need to get around to it after all these JRPGs. Hopefully I don't burn myself out on them.">"><img src="

Average of 7M per game. Nice.

ok another question? is it possible to upgrade my ps4 hdd? cuz 500 gb is way to low as even physical games install the entire thing on the hdd and i hate deleting/reinstalling games plus on top the fact i am going mostly digital

Baddman said:
ok another question? is it possible to upgrade my ps4 hdd? cuz 500 gb is way to low as even physical games install the entire thing on the hdd and i hate deleting/reinstalling games plus on top the fact i am going mostly digital

Oh yes it is very possible. You can get an internal hard drive (although only 2.5" are supported without accessory) or an external hard drive. I'll try to link a tutorial if I find one

#1 Amb-ass-ador