celador said:
It's preferable to delay a game slightly to make it better, it's just disappointing. There isn't really a compelling reason for me to get a PS4 this year now. Luckily I have a massive backlog of other games to play until the exclusives and new gen only games start dropping in 2015. Didn't you say earlier that you weren't really interested in Driveclub? What are you looking forward to on PS4 for the rest of the year if there is no The Order? |
Not sure yet, though i'll definitely be getting TLOU again. I've been thinking of replaying it for weeks and haven't played the DLC yet, so might as well do it in style ^^. I'll also probably get Destiny and the Deep Down beta, as well as The Witness if it hits this year.
I'm probably a lot less bothered by the delay since i just got a Vita, and FF14 has more updates coming soon :P Right now the PS4 is just a supplement to me, as far as i'm concerned neither the X1 or PS4 will be able to justify their purchase until next year (mine was given to me as a gift, otherwise i'd still be holding off like you).