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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U rides on Mario Kart

I feel like relevance in the console race has already passed. Mario Kart is important, but just more from a business perspective of selling consoles, even if it can't catch up.

If antyhing, i'd think the little Nintendo skylander like figures are the biggest thing Wii U has... though are likely to late in the game to catch on/make a difference.

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ps4tw said:
curl-6 said:
ps4tw said:
curl-6 said:
ps4tw said:

Who the fuck goes out wanting Pikachu and comes back with a karting game!?

People go out shopping without a prefixed idea of what they are getting or want specifically all the time.

Keep clutching at straws buddy - you can't call Pokemon competition to Mario Kart, that's insane as the games are not comparable at all. Mario Kart only sells because there is no competition and people want a social racer. Well, "wanted". Considering how karting games didn't take off on any of the other consoles I think it's easy enough to say that only Nintendo fans want a karting game, everyone else wants anything else whether it's CoD or Forza.

Make any excuse you want, your denial can't change the fact that in 7 entries across 7 platforms and 22 years, Mario Kart has never sold less than 5.4 million. Whether you like it or not, they are widely loved and desired games.

Who cares how much it sells when the console its selling on is dead...Anyway stop reframing the argument. The title of the thread is "Wii U rides on Mario Kart". The point is can Mario Kart can save the Wii U? The average person doesn't care for it, so it won't save anything. 

Mario Kart Wii has sold nearly 35 Million copies.

If average people care about ANY videogames, Mario Kart is surely among them.

Kasz216 said:
ps4tw said:

Who cares how much it sells when the console its selling on is dead...Anyway stop reframing the argument. The title of the thread is "Wii U rides on Mario Kart". The point is can Mario Kart can save the Wii U? The average person doesn't care for it, so it won't save anything. 

Mario Kart Wii has sold nearly 35 Million copies.

If average people care about ANY videogames, Mario Kart is surely among them.

What competition did the Wii offer to Mario Karts if you wanted a competitive, social (easy to pick up) game? The majority of people didn't buy MK because it was MK but because it simply had no competition and therefore was the best choice. Otherwise how can you explain the sales of MK on the GC? Same goes for SB on the GC. Nintendo has a dedicated following, but that following is not growing so 1st party titles will have a high uptake but the games will not boost sales of the console for any extended period of time. 

sethnintendo said:

I just wanted to state the obvious.  Mario Kart is the Wii U last hope for relevance in the console race.  I could elaborate more on this op but I will do so later in this thread when I am more sober. 

Erm, no...sorry, but no game can save a console flopping this hard. Unless they release a game that actually dishes out blowjobs, its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse.

AZWification said:
daredevil.shark said:

Nope. SSB and Zelda U will also help wii u. And nintendo might have some surprises left. It will give a decent boost. But it wont be able to push wii u above 15 million numbers.

But, but........ Smash Bros for the Wii U is doomed because the 3DS is coming out much earler!

I see that wink, but Smash Bros 3Ds is significantly different from the Wii U version. Only similarity is the roster. People will buy the Wii U version for superior controls in the winter. 

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mysteryman said:

How cute. A word to the wise; the forums are full of older gamers, don't bother with an Ad Hominem like that unless you're sure you aren't the kid.

As for your ever-changing argument:

ps4tw said:
mysteryman said:

Do you have any examples of games selling >9.45m without broad appeal?

Yeah, smash bros on the GC. Console barely sold, but that game did.

By that logic, top-selling games on systems that sold similarly well (Halo 2 on XBOX for example) don't have broad appeal. This is what you are saying with the fallacious logic that you are employing.

ps4tw said:

you'll find that those who buy Mario Kart will also have 3D Mario, DK, pikmin etc because there really isn't competition.

You assume that Nintendo's games are purchased purely out of bind loyalty; have you considered that they may be, just maybe, actually good games?

The lack of competition is also bunk, there are plenty of racing games, even kart racers, on Nintendo systems. Mario Kart sales are a cut above the rest, even Nintendo's other racing franchises. This actually suggests the opposite to your claims.

All I need to pick up on is that if they are good games, then why has the GC and WiiU done so badly?

How many quality racing games are there on the Wii? Anything like Forza etc? No. Grid? No. Only a single karting game among a pile of shovelware. You can try to claim "omg dey be soooo good games" but that doesnt explain the shitty sales for the N64, GC and WiiU. Fact is Mario Kart remains vastly unchanged for two decades and karting games on other consoles have bombed. The problem is you need to admit that two audiences bought the wii - the hardcore Nintendo fans and a bunch of flittering casual gamers, the latter being the vast bulk of Wii purchasers. Do you accept that? Do you accept that casual gamers don't care about Nintendo and just go with whatever is in?


ps4tw said:
Kasz216 said:
ps4tw said:

Who cares how much it sells when the console its selling on is dead...Anyway stop reframing the argument. The title of the thread is "Wii U rides on Mario Kart". The point is can Mario Kart can save the Wii U? The average person doesn't care for it, so it won't save anything. 

Mario Kart Wii has sold nearly 35 Million copies.

If average people care about ANY videogames, Mario Kart is surely among them.

What competition did the Wii offer to Mario Karts if you wanted a competitive, social (easy to pick up) game? The majority of people didn't buy MK because it was MK but because it simply had no competition and therefore was the best choice. Otherwise how can you explain the sales of MK on the GC? Same goes for SB on the GC. Nintendo has a dedicated following, but that following is not growing so 1st party titles will have a high uptake but the games will not boost sales of the console for any extended period of time. 

How do I explain what... that they sold well?

A game can't get past 2 million on a system without broad base average appeal.

As for effecting how the system sold,  I'd guess though many casual average people bought the gamecube specifically for those games.


Gamecube launched strong.  Well stronger then it's sales deserved.  

It's a big reason why Nintendo decided to hold back those games when the Wii Launched... because those games DO move the needle with the average audience.


As for like super extender permanent software increases.  A signle game never sustains console sales long term by itself.   It takes a marathon of software.  

Games like Call of Duty have yearly releases.  Had they not, i imagine you'd see an identical effect.

amak11 said:
AZWification said:
daredevil.shark said:

Nope. SSB and Zelda U will also help wii u. And nintendo might have some surprises left. It will give a decent boost. But it wont be able to push wii u above 15 million numbers.

But, but........ Smash Bros for the Wii U is doomed because the 3DS is coming out much earler!

I see that wink, but Smash Bros 3Ds is significantly different from the Wii U version. Only similarity is the roster. People will buy the Wii U version for superior controls in the winter. 

The 3DS seems like it has the coolest mode though!   Smash run sounds awesome.

Wait till after E3 to make that call.

TheJimbo1234 said:
sethnintendo said:

I just wanted to state the obvious.  Mario Kart is the Wii U last hope for relevance in the console race.  I could elaborate more on this op but I will do so later in this thread when I am more sober. 

Erm, no...sorry, but no game can save a console flopping this hard. Unless they release a game that actually dishes out blowjobs, its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse.

You're delusional. Want to make a bet right now that Wii U will stay at a 30k baseline or under for the rest of it's life? Cos that's what you're saying.