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mysteryman said:

How cute. A word to the wise; the forums are full of older gamers, don't bother with an Ad Hominem like that unless you're sure you aren't the kid.

As for your ever-changing argument:

ps4tw said:
mysteryman said:

Do you have any examples of games selling >9.45m without broad appeal?

Yeah, smash bros on the GC. Console barely sold, but that game did.

By that logic, top-selling games on systems that sold similarly well (Halo 2 on XBOX for example) don't have broad appeal. This is what you are saying with the fallacious logic that you are employing.

ps4tw said:

you'll find that those who buy Mario Kart will also have 3D Mario, DK, pikmin etc because there really isn't competition.

You assume that Nintendo's games are purchased purely out of bind loyalty; have you considered that they may be, just maybe, actually good games?

The lack of competition is also bunk, there are plenty of racing games, even kart racers, on Nintendo systems. Mario Kart sales are a cut above the rest, even Nintendo's other racing franchises. This actually suggests the opposite to your claims.

All I need to pick up on is that if they are good games, then why has the GC and WiiU done so badly?

How many quality racing games are there on the Wii? Anything like Forza etc? No. Grid? No. Only a single karting game among a pile of shovelware. You can try to claim "omg dey be soooo good games" but that doesnt explain the shitty sales for the N64, GC and WiiU. Fact is Mario Kart remains vastly unchanged for two decades and karting games on other consoles have bombed. The problem is you need to admit that two audiences bought the wii - the hardcore Nintendo fans and a bunch of flittering casual gamers, the latter being the vast bulk of Wii purchasers. Do you accept that? Do you accept that casual gamers don't care about Nintendo and just go with whatever is in?