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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U rides on Mario Kart

Nirvana_Nut85 said:
ps4tw said:

The Wii was also the biggest selling console of last generation...Casual gamers do not give a flying fuck that another Mario kart is coming out. No chance will it hit 70k weekly unless something crazy happens to Japanese sales. The majority of Nintendo fans have a Wii U already, so all the games from here on in are just picking up the stragglers. 

Not trying to be rude but your logic is flawed. Most people who purchase consoles are casuals. There are only a handful of devoted fans for each brand. Most people will flock to whatever system is popular and Mario Kart is one of those games that will attract them to the Wii U. Will it have Wii sales? Obviously not, but to think that it will obtain only a marginal hold of 40K weekly is just not using common sense.  

No they aren't. The average console gamer, going with games sales, is a CoD/GTA playing teenager. They are your average gamer. However, the Wii owners, the "casual" gamers, are the ones who consider gaming to be angry birds whilst taking a crap. That audience, which is the vast majority of Wii owners, doesn't care about the Wii U because their iPodroid is doing just fine. I can guarentee that casual gamers and average gamers, will not go out to buy the Wii U ever, not even for Mario Kart. 

This is a console that is doing terribly. It's killed Nintendo's stock, and is selling much, much slower than the Dreamcast. Thinking one game, a karting game, will save it when karting games on the other consoles (which are selling just fine) will save it? Won't happen. 

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ps4tw said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
ps4tw said:

The Wii was also the biggest selling console of last generation...Casual gamers do not give a flying fuck that another Mario kart is coming out. No chance will it hit 70k weekly unless something crazy happens to Japanese sales. The majority of Nintendo fans have a Wii U already, so all the games from here on in are just picking up the stragglers. 

Not trying to be rude but your logic is flawed. Most people who purchase consoles are casuals. There are only a handful of devoted fans for each brand. Most people will flock to whatever system is popular and Mario Kart is one of those games that will attract them to the Wii U. Will it have Wii sales? Obviously not, but to think that it will obtain only a marginal hold of 40K weekly is just not using common sense.  

No they aren't. The average console gamer, going with games sales, is a CoD/GTA playing teenager. They are your average gamer. However, the Wii owners, the "casual" gamers, are the ones who consider gaming to be angry birds whilst taking a crap. That audience, which is the vast majority of Wii owners, doesn't care about the Wii U because their iPodroid is doing just fine. I can guarentee that casual gamers and average gamers, will not go out to buy the Wii U ever, not even for Mario Kart. 

This is a console that is doing terribly. It's killed Nintendo's stock, and is selling much, much slower than the Dreamcast. Thinking one game, a karting game, will save it when karting games on the other consoles (which are selling just fine) will save it? Won't happen. 

Mario Kart 8 will attract the casual market, just not nearly in the droves that went to the Wii. I believe your assesment of what the casual market is and how it is defined is completely off. Using the angry birds analogy is simply absurd as well. There weren't 80 million people (approx diff in gamecube vs Wii sales) who were all ipod , angry bird gamers.  Marketing also plays an important role and social media. Mario Kart 8 is starting to garner quite a bit of attention in that manner. It will drive a fair amount of people who would not have purchased the Wii U to it.

I'm not sure what your definition of saving a console is but stabilizing weekly sales to 70k is not that drastic. 

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

Einsam_Delphin said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

SM3DW did not have the mass appeal that MK8 does. Part of the problem was that it lost a lot of hype when the initial trailer was revealed and unfortunately did not regain it till near launch. Mario galaxy on sold 1/3 of what MKWii managed. It's safe to assume that MK8 will help the Wii U sustain better weekly sales (imo 70k/week does not sound far fetched)

I didn't say just SM3DW alone! Also, SM3DL n MK7 have sold roughly the same amount. MKWii managed to pull away from Galaxy and well everything thanks to motion controls and Wii wheel, but as Wii Sports/Fit/Party on Wii U have shown, motion controls have lost their mass market appeal. So now Mario Kart is back to selling like it normally does, hence the numbers on 3DS.

There wasn't any major first party titles besides SM3DW last year. Nintendo's handheld systems and consoles are two different beast with different sales trends. Using sales ratio's on software on 3DS wont necessarily reflect the same on the Wii U. Mario Kart is riding off the coat tails of it's previous entry moving 34 million units of software. It may not be 3:1  sales as previous gen but I'm expecting a minimum of 2:1 and stabilized sales of 70k per week.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

Nirvana_Nut85 said:
ps4tw said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
ps4tw said:

The Wii was also the biggest selling console of last generation...Casual gamers do not give a flying fuck that another Mario kart is coming out. No chance will it hit 70k weekly unless something crazy happens to Japanese sales. The majority of Nintendo fans have a Wii U already, so all the games from here on in are just picking up the stragglers. 

Not trying to be rude but your logic is flawed. Most people who purchase consoles are casuals. There are only a handful of devoted fans for each brand. Most people will flock to whatever system is popular and Mario Kart is one of those games that will attract them to the Wii U. Will it have Wii sales? Obviously not, but to think that it will obtain only a marginal hold of 40K weekly is just not using common sense.  

No they aren't. The average console gamer, going with games sales, is a CoD/GTA playing teenager. They are your average gamer. However, the Wii owners, the "casual" gamers, are the ones who consider gaming to be angry birds whilst taking a crap. That audience, which is the vast majority of Wii owners, doesn't care about the Wii U because their iPodroid is doing just fine. I can guarentee that casual gamers and average gamers, will not go out to buy the Wii U ever, not even for Mario Kart. 

This is a console that is doing terribly. It's killed Nintendo's stock, and is selling much, much slower than the Dreamcast. Thinking one game, a karting game, will save it when karting games on the other consoles (which are selling just fine) will save it? Won't happen. 

Mario Kart 8 will attract the casual market, just not nearly in the droves that went to the Wii. I believe your assesment of what the casual market is and how it is defined is completely off. Using the angry birds analogy is simply absurd as well. There weren't 80 million people (approx diff in gamecube vs Wii sales) who were all ipod , angry bird gamers.  Marketing also plays an important role and social media. Mario Kart 8 is starting to garner quite a bit of attention in that manner. It will drive a fair amount of people who would not have purchased the Wii U to it.

I'm not sure what your definition of saving a console is but stabilizing weekly sales to 70k is not that drastic. 

Can't wait to prove you wrong ;)

ps4tw said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
ps4tw said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
ps4tw said:

The Wii was also the biggest selling console of last generation...Casual gamers do not give a flying fuck that another Mario kart is coming out. No chance will it hit 70k weekly unless something crazy happens to Japanese sales. The majority of Nintendo fans have a Wii U already, so all the games from here on in are just picking up the stragglers. 

Not trying to be rude but your logic is flawed. Most people who purchase consoles are casuals. There are only a handful of devoted fans for each brand. Most people will flock to whatever system is popular and Mario Kart is one of those games that will attract them to the Wii U. Will it have Wii sales? Obviously not, but to think that it will obtain only a marginal hold of 40K weekly is just not using common sense.  

No they aren't. The average console gamer, going with games sales, is a CoD/GTA playing teenager. They are your average gamer. However, the Wii owners, the "casual" gamers, are the ones who consider gaming to be angry birds whilst taking a crap. That audience, which is the vast majority of Wii owners, doesn't care about the Wii U because their iPodroid is doing just fine. I can guarentee that casual gamers and average gamers, will not go out to buy the Wii U ever, not even for Mario Kart. 

This is a console that is doing terribly. It's killed Nintendo's stock, and is selling much, much slower than the Dreamcast. Thinking one game, a karting game, will save it when karting games on the other consoles (which are selling just fine) will save it? Won't happen. 

Mario Kart 8 will attract the casual market, just not nearly in the droves that went to the Wii. I believe your assesment of what the casual market is and how it is defined is completely off. Using the angry birds analogy is simply absurd as well. There weren't 80 million people (approx diff in gamecube vs Wii sales) who were all ipod , angry bird gamers.  Marketing also plays an important role and social media. Mario Kart 8 is starting to garner quite a bit of attention in that manner. It will drive a fair amount of people who would not have purchased the Wii U to it.

I'm not sure what your definition of saving a console is but stabilizing weekly sales to 70k is not that drastic. 

Can't wait to prove you wrong ;)

I do not believe you will get the outcome your expecting! 40K is too low!

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

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ps4tw said:
mysteryman said:
ps4tw said:

Yes you can. How are you comparing Mario Kart to Pokemon? There is no racing equivalent on the DS, or the Wii etc. They want a racing game, and there is only one option. If Mario Kart was so loved, why did the GC and N64 tank? The only idea that is laughable is thinking Animal Crossing is competition to Mario kart!

Do you have any examples of games selling >9.45m without broad appeal?

Yeah, smash bros on the GC. Console barely sold, but that game did. Nintendo fans eat up all the franchises that Nintendo kick out, but are a dying breed. That combined with a system that is starving for releases, you'll find that those who buy Mario Kart will also have 3D Mario, DK, pikmin etc because there really isn't competition.

I'm failing to see your logic here. So there were zero games with broad appeal on the GC all due to its lower userbase? Therefore the same for XBOX, Saturn, Dreamcast, Vita?

curl-6 said:
ps4tw said:

Who cares how much it sells when the console its selling on is dead...Anyway stop reframing the argument. The title of the thread is "Wii U rides on Mario Kart". The point is can Mario Kart can save the Wii U? The average person doesn't care for it, so it won't save anything. 

Referring to a system that has yet to recieve its biggest system sellers or reach mass market price as "dead" robs you of any trace of credibility you may have had.

Actually no, wait, your delusion that Mario Kart isn't a widely loved and highly popular franchise already did that.

The WiiU has had multiple system sellers. NSMB, Donkey Kong, Wii Fit, Wii Party, 3D Mario all did very well on the Wii. If none of these franchises did anything for the WiiU then what can Mario Kart and Smash Bros do?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Nirvana_Nut85 said:

There wasn't any major first party titles besides SM3DW last year. Nintendo's handheld systems and consoles are two different beast with different sales trends. Using sales ratio's on software on 3DS wont necessarily reflect the same on the Wii U. Mario Kart is riding off the coat tails of it's previous entry moving 34 million units of software. It may not be 3:1  sales as previous gen but I'm expecting a minimum of 2:1 and stabilized sales of 70k per week.

Eh, I've argued about this topic too many times already, and we only have a couple more months before we finally see what Mario Kart 8 does for the Wii U, so I'll just wait until then!

Bayonetta 2 will save the Wii U if all other fail. I remember the outcry.

Nothing can save the Wii U. It can be salvaged however with another price drop; swap the gamepad for a pro controller and throw in Bayo 2 or some other non-Nintendo hardcore game for $199.