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Einsam_Delphin said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

SM3DW did not have the mass appeal that MK8 does. Part of the problem was that it lost a lot of hype when the initial trailer was revealed and unfortunately did not regain it till near launch. Mario galaxy on sold 1/3 of what MKWii managed. It's safe to assume that MK8 will help the Wii U sustain better weekly sales (imo 70k/week does not sound far fetched)

I didn't say just SM3DW alone! Also, SM3DL n MK7 have sold roughly the same amount. MKWii managed to pull away from Galaxy and well everything thanks to motion controls and Wii wheel, but as Wii Sports/Fit/Party on Wii U have shown, motion controls have lost their mass market appeal. So now Mario Kart is back to selling like it normally does, hence the numbers on 3DS.

There wasn't any major first party titles besides SM3DW last year. Nintendo's handheld systems and consoles are two different beast with different sales trends. Using sales ratio's on software on 3DS wont necessarily reflect the same on the Wii U. Mario Kart is riding off the coat tails of it's previous entry moving 34 million units of software. It may not be 3:1  sales as previous gen but I'm expecting a minimum of 2:1 and stabilized sales of 70k per week.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"