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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - COD: Advanced Warfare DLC first on Xbox

BMaker11 said:

Maybe for you but having played CoD4, WaW, and MW2 on both (didn't play BLOP/2 or MW3 on both so I won't comment on that), the gameplay, connection speed, and sound quality were comparable to me. They were bluetooth mics, so they weren't standardized....but they weren't "shit". And you just completely made up the load times being "especially shitty". Only less than 3 seconds behind, on average? Well, I guess also, TIL "the PS3 DID NOT have a mandatory install for this game and still managed to do well with quick load times" = "especially shitty". To each his own, I guess. But funny you should mention image quality. Because when comparing XBone to PS4, things like resolution, textures, etc. don't matter to you because it's beating a dead horse, I guess, and it doesn't affect gameplay/isn't game breaking. But last gen, it made the games "way inferior"? Ok.

And you should care because if it affects you on a personal level, you should understand that it wasn't targeted against you personally (your group personally). Nintendo being completely shunned for not being a "good enough" console, while 4 other platforms get Advanced Warfare (two of which the WiiU has better specs) should make a Nintendo gamer feel "second class" because Activision is expressly ignoring them. But feeling second class because the company intends to give you the content, but they're still a business so they take money and you wait a littler longer because of it? That's like me feeling "second class" because Foot Locker sometimes has 1-week exclusive deals on particular shoes....but I only have a Finish Line gift card. I mean, I'll still get the shoes.....

Do timed exclusives make you feel "second class"? I mean, you'll still get the content eventually, but you had to wait. Probably not, because "it's not really exclusive. I'll get the content anyway". But hey, that doesn't fit well into the anti-PS narrative.

Well gee golly that's swell for you but like I said spending a lot of time on the 360 versions, moving to PS3 was a much worse experience, again particularly with the first Blops and MW3. You're welcome to disagree, but nothing you say is going to change my experience and vice versa so oh well. And yeah I know PS3 mics were Bluetooth, hence the reason voice quality was dog shit. You have crappy BT mics being used by people and sporadic voice quality on PSN altogether that varied wildly from game to game. It wasn't a quality experience, but you get what you pay for I guess.

By image quality I am not talking textures or resolution. But you throwing yourself all over that comment sure was adorable to see, regardless. Idk, maybe learn what image quality is? PS3 had shit image quality on most multiplatform games. Never noticed how the 360 versions were usually just brighter and more colorful overall? Yeah..

You're getting too emotional over the second class comment and looking a bit too deep into it. Nothing more for me to really say on the matter though, toodles.

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Nice, buying this on Xbox One now. :)">"><img src="

We knew this since march of last year. Microsoft already announced they renewed their COD DLC deal with Activision.

FIT_Gamer said:
We knew this since march of last year. Microsoft already announced they renewed their COD DLC deal with Activision.

People didn't want to believe that logic when claiming that Activision would stop doing this for Xbox One and switch it to PS4 in 2014

Makes sense in a way, Xbox One is the official CoD console for MLG.

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J_Allard said:
One reason I am glad Sony charges for online now. Last gen most of my friends used PS3 for MP simply for free online play and I wanted to play with them so I was forced to play way inferior versions of CoD. Now that won't be the case, though jury is out on whether I buy CoD or not now with Titanfall around.

But probably the worst thing about it was the wait for DLC. Makes you feel like a second class gamer almost.

inferiour version, second class gamer.  yet you got a xbone,.. oh the irony.

kitler53 said:
J_Allard said:
One reason I am glad Sony charges for online now. Last gen most of my friends used PS3 for MP simply for free online play and I wanted to play with them so I was forced to play way inferior versions of CoD. Now that won't be the case, though jury is out on whether I buy CoD or not now with Titanfall around.

But probably the worst thing about it was the wait for DLC. Makes you feel like a second class gamer almost.

inferiour version, second class gamer.  yet you got a xbone,.. oh the irony.

Yeah lol. People should at least be consistent.

I am not an avid cod player, and I only have bought Black ops/MW3/Ghosts, but didn't ghost sell more on ps4 then the one?

PSn - greencactaur
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wow, are you 10years old?


-Mr Khan

RIP ps3, xbox360.

welcome home ps4 and X1

NobleTeam360 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
never bought DLC on a COD game and if prices remain the same, I never will be.

Why would they change the price when a bunch of people buy it at the current price? So I guess you'll never play any of the CoD DLC.

Same could be said about everything in the world. But you wouldnt pay for something which you dont think is worth it, even if others would.

I could buy another entire AAA game for the same amount one COD DLC pack costs (£11.59) so I dont think its worth it.

And im not saying it because its timed exclusive to XB. The same applies to BF map packs too which are £11.99, or any other DLC which is priced more than a full AAA game.

I would play the COD DLC's the day theres a 75% discount on them. If not, I dont feel like I'm missing out on much because I could just buy another game instead.