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Forums - PC Discussion - have you ever played an MMO?

I have played :

Ultima Online
Everquest (was truly addicted at one point)
Dark Age of Camelot
Shadowbane (didnt play long)
Final Fantasy XI PC Edition(didnt play long)
World of Warcraft

with full keyboard, mouse, and headset support I am excited about trying a MMORPG on the PS3. I know FFXI was on the PS2 but you could hardly communicate with the guys on a PS2. I think a well made MMORPG for the PS3 could be very fun.

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nope, never have

never have and probably never will.
Mostly what Benkenobi said: they're designed to keep you hooked for hours and hours.
I've read too many horror stories of MMORPG addicts. I do not want to become like them.

...but is it right for me to critisize MMORPGs?
I used to be quite addicted to Counter-Strike and now I'm around 200 hours in Team Fortress 2 and still going(great game).
I can't quite explain it but for some reason I'd rather be addicted to FPSs than MMORPGs.

crappy old school NES games are more entertaining than next-gen games.

I played Dark Age of Camelot for a couple of years and was really addicted to it. It consumed too much time to the point that I started to loose grip on my real life so I had to quit playing eventually.

I've played

Ultima Online
World of Warcraft
ROSE online
Maple Story (a day)
Runescape (a week)
I tried Silkroad Online wasn't good.

Those last 4 are all free ones I downloaded.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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I have played:
- Everquest: for a while
- FFXI: very briefly
- Anarchy Online: for a few months
- City of Heroes: off and on for 2 years
- World of Warcraft: off and on since launch

CoH and Wow were the best. They all become to big of a time sink after a while, and I stop playing. After a break, i sometime go back for a month or two, then stop again.

Played 2000+ hours of Runescape.

Brawl FC: 0473 - 7465 - 0612

I always avoided MMO(RPG)'s like the plague in the past, because
1) I was categorically against the whole pay for play bs
2) They weren't at all casual friendly and required wayyyy too much time

That was until WoW came along. It was pretty casual friendly which was nice and I even convinced myself that the monthly fee wasn't really a big deal. I played for a year and a half and stopped playing WoW about a year and a half ago, and I doubt I'll be going back to any MMO's until they change the whole grinding, time-consumption nature of them......also pay for play is bs.

The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.

WoW, and its shaite. I played for two weeks, uninstalled it and have never since wanted to touch it again.
Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind, DING!
There are two ways of playing WoW; dedicating your life to it and basically forego human contact in real life (yes, the hardcore raiding dudes are that bad) or run mostly solo and take a beating from any group of foes larger than 2... Sad, sad stuff indeed.

Played Guild Wars for a few months. Trialed WoW but never got into it.

Generally I don't play enough to justify a monthly payment.