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Forums - Sony Discussion - Phil Harrison:Wii Sports is a true 'next-generation' game

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Sony Worldwide Studios head Harrison then chimed in by suggesting: "You hand someone a game controller and it's like you've handed someone a grenade with the pin taken out", mimicking the act of being handed a 'live' controller.

He then referenced the growth of 'easy' controllers such as those on Sony's Buzz and SingStar and even Guitar Hero, noting: "That democratization has become very powerful", and also commenting of Apple's iPod touch interface: "Apple should be applauded for that innovation."


Of course he didn't mention the Wiimote, but the implication is there...

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Well gameplay wise it is ... just that IMO you cant make a console just for games like Wii sports .. luckily there is MP3 ;)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

The controller has many possibilities, developers are just lazy in exploring them. No More Heroes had excellent use of the controller. Hold it vertical or horizontal to switch between stances, use motions for finishing moves and wrestling moves, and masturbate to recharge, as well as the variety of side missions and quirky ways of using it (such as a baseball bat, or cat toy).

The wiimote isn't just good for wiisports type games, it's good for alot. Devs are just lazy. And when somebody actually steps up to the plate, they can really create something that feels great to play.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

HAHAHAHAAH Wii sports and next gen in the same sentence! hahahaha

coolestguyever said:
HAHAHAHAAH Wii sports and next gen in the same sentence! hahahaha


You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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coolestguyever said:
HAHAHAHAAH Wii sports and next gen in the same sentence! hahahaha

Failing machine.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies