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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Did you buy wii because of price or is it just better?

I'm inclined to say B. Better games (for my taste), better hardware in terms of gameplay experience.

But there are other factors to consider, like I'm a rabid Ninty fan ;)

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Nintendo, they make the best games. That is why I bought a Wii. I knew that no matter what Nintendo would make it worth my money with quality games, so I really was not worried about 3rd party support, but 3rd party support would be a huge bonus. There is just so much promise with the Wii.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Yeah, D.
My parents have a $300 limit for christmas presents, & the wii happened to be what I wanted.

c) I bought it because it was white and blue. duhhhh

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wiiforever??? i'd say b

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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I didnt buy it.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

I considered buying a GameCube, because they were selling used, like $29.99 at my local game dealer.

Plenty of games and accessories in stock too.

I was buying the system for my kids, and so they would have loved it anyway, they don't know any different.

 But, in the end I bought a Wii, and I'm glad I did, the whole family loves it, then grandparents came, and I wanted them to play along, so I got Wii Play to go along with the packin, Wii Sports...and then they also wanted to buy the kids a present, and they got Super Mario Galaxy and High School Musical, Sing it.

 Plus I bought it used, so it came with Call of Duty 3, NFL 2007, and Red Steel... (of these 3, we play them NEVER).

So...we ended up having quite the library, and the whole family plays the thing...great value, very pleased.

If I had my druthers...cost no be frank I would have bought a PS3...I cannot ignore it has a blu-ray player and the highest end hardware.





I pre-ordered one before it came out to resell. I do however periodically borrow my friend's wii, which i currently have in my possession, for the games that i want to play but don't warrant a console purchase.

kinda off topic, but i think the wii really shines in 4 player multiplayer, it gets really competitive with people doing anything to win, it's great. the sit-at-home-by-yourself epic single player experiences? not so much.

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ameratsu said:
I pre-ordered one before it came out to resell. I do however periodically play my friend's wii, which i currently have in my possession, for the games that i want to play but don't warrant a console purchase.

kinda off topic, but i think the wii really shines in 4 player multiplayer, it gets really competitive with people doing anything to win, it's great. the sit-at-home-by-yourself epic single player experiences? not so much.

yeah 4 player splitscreen rules, too bad that it is left out on so many games these days

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

D) All the above

A)Better price, in fact the only console I'd even consider at it's current price point.
B)Better games for having friends over and a lot of favorites for my son, and Wii Sports!! And personally, I'm sick of the same old, same old on 360/PS3 and I can play those types of game on my PC anyway.
C)No HD so why pay extra for HD graphics?

E) It's small and neat and doesn't unduly clutter my entertainment stand.