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Forums - Sony Discussion - 1000+ self-publishing Developers now on Playstation

QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) No. I'm saying it's too early to celebrate because Sony is filled with liars. Plus, the list is mostly multiplats and indie games. Many of the games on the list ARE even coming to the Wii U. 

2) Because I figured this was pretty obvious. Sony promised 1080p/60fps gameplay, and we're not getting it. Sony promised amazing graphics and we're not getting it. Sony promised a ton of games at launch, and we didn't get them. This isn't something new. Sony has been doing this for years. Of course, the list of lies don't end there.

3) It says 100 games for 2014. Maybe you should check it again.

4) It's questionable because it's a TBA game that was once a Microsoft exclusive. We know next to nothing beyond that. For all we know, it may not come out this year or at all. Why? Because it's a TBA release date. 

5) That would be very easy for them to prove... So, why won't they? Nintendo has countless times. 

1.) What has Sony lied about?  

2.) Where did they promise such a thing [for all games]?  

3.) Why is 100 games so unbelievable?  It's not a super great number.  It's a pretty okay number though.  Just depends on the tier of the games released.  

4.)  I see no reason it won't be.  It's already on the PS3.  

5.) What are they supposed to do?  Release a list of every developer?  All of these are indies.   

1) I'm actually pretty surprised that people are ignorant of Sony's lies. They lie quite a bit. Here's a link that goes over one of many of those lies:

Here are a ton of other lies Sony as told in the past:

2) Right here:

3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems.

4) Uh huh

5) Take it with a grain of salt my friend. Don't believe everything Sony tells you.

And we have empty promises from Nintendo.
Iwata says Wii will avoid major droughts that plagued GameCube. (March 2007)

“When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”

Iwata promises that 3DS will avoid major droughts that plagued Wii and DS.

“It’s important that you be able to supply software with no pause,” said Iwata. “With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We’re making plans so that this type of thing won’t happen.”
Iwata promises that Wii U will avoid major droughts that plagued 3DS and Wii.
“ As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”
“The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits.”

Iwata apologizes for Wii U drought in January and February.

“I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of titles in January and February.”

Around the Network
gooch_destroyer said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) No. I'm saying it's too early to celebrate because Sony is filled with liars. Plus, the list is mostly multiplats and indie games. Many of the games on the list ARE even coming to the Wii U. 

2) Because I figured this was pretty obvious. Sony promised 1080p/60fps gameplay, and we're not getting it. Sony promised amazing graphics and we're not getting it. Sony promised a ton of games at launch, and we didn't get them. This isn't something new. Sony has been doing this for years. Of course, the list of lies don't end there.

3) It says 100 games for 2014. Maybe you should check it again.

4) It's questionable because it's a TBA game that was once a Microsoft exclusive. We know next to nothing beyond that. For all we know, it may not come out this year or at all. Why? Because it's a TBA release date. 

5) That would be very easy for them to prove... So, why won't they? Nintendo has countless times. 

1.) What has Sony lied about?  

2.) Where did they promise such a thing [for all games]?  

3.) Why is 100 games so unbelievable?  It's not a super great number.  It's a pretty okay number though.  Just depends on the tier of the games released.  

4.)  I see no reason it won't be.  It's already on the PS3.  

5.) What are they supposed to do?  Release a list of every developer?  All of these are indies.   

1) I'm actually pretty surprised that people are ignorant of Sony's lies. They lie quite a bit. Here's a link that goes over one of many of those lies:

Here are a ton of other lies Sony as told in the past:

2) Right here:

3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems.

4) Uh huh

5) Take it with a grain of salt my friend. Don't believe everything Sony tells you.

And we have empty promises from Nintendo.
Iwata says Wii will avoid major droughts that plagued GameCube. (March 2007)

“When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”

Iwata promises that 3DS will avoid major droughts that plagued Wii and DS.

“It’s important that you be able to supply software with no pause,” said Iwata. “With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We’re making plans so that this type of thing won’t happen.”
Iwata promises that Wii U will avoid major droughts that plagued 3DS and Wii.
“ As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”
“The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits.”

Iwata apologizes for Wii U drought in January and February.

“I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of titles in January and February.”

This is all true. However, Nintendo didn't lie to you. The fact that Iwata came out and was honest that he failed says a lot more than what Sony is doing.

This post (also in relation to several posts in this thread) has been moderated by axumblade

QuintonMcLeod said:
gooch_destroyer said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
the-pi-guy said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

1) No. I'm saying it's too early to celebrate because Sony is filled with liars. Plus, the list is mostly multiplats and indie games. Many of the games on the list ARE even coming to the Wii U. 

2) Because I figured this was pretty obvious. Sony promised 1080p/60fps gameplay, and we're not getting it. Sony promised amazing graphics and we're not getting it. Sony promised a ton of games at launch, and we didn't get them. This isn't something new. Sony has been doing this for years. Of course, the list of lies don't end there.

3) It says 100 games for 2014. Maybe you should check it again.

4) It's questionable because it's a TBA game that was once a Microsoft exclusive. We know next to nothing beyond that. For all we know, it may not come out this year or at all. Why? Because it's a TBA release date. 

5) That would be very easy for them to prove... So, why won't they? Nintendo has countless times. 

1.) What has Sony lied about?  

2.) Where did they promise such a thing [for all games]?  

3.) Why is 100 games so unbelievable?  It's not a super great number.  It's a pretty okay number though.  Just depends on the tier of the games released.  

4.)  I see no reason it won't be.  It's already on the PS3.  

5.) What are they supposed to do?  Release a list of every developer?  All of these are indies.   

1) I'm actually pretty surprised that people are ignorant of Sony's lies. They lie quite a bit. Here's a link that goes over one of many of those lies:

Here are a ton of other lies Sony as told in the past:

2) Right here:

3) The 100 games include multiplats and indies. So, it's not a true list of 100 games more than it just being a list of games coming out for all systems.

4) Uh huh

5) Take it with a grain of salt my friend. Don't believe everything Sony tells you.

And we have empty promises from Nintendo.
Iwata says Wii will avoid major droughts that plagued GameCube. (March 2007)

“When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch.” says Iwata. He then says, ”We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum.”

Iwata promises that 3DS will avoid major droughts that plagued Wii and DS.

“It’s important that you be able to supply software with no pause,” said Iwata. “With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We’re making plans so that this type of thing won’t happen.”
Iwata promises that Wii U will avoid major droughts that plagued 3DS and Wii.
“ As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”
“The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits.”

Iwata apologizes for Wii U drought in January and February.

“I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of titles in January and February.”

This is all true. However, Nintendo didn't lie to you. The fact that Iwata came out and was honest that he failed says a lot more than what Sony is doing.

Why do you bold your post?

tagging this, lol


edit:  Or should i say Tagging this

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

QuintonMcLeod said:

Oh, no one is saying Sony has no idea. I'm quite sure they _know_ when their games are coming out. Of course, telling the truth about those release dates is a whole different matter.

Just to be accurate.

What you see in Killzone MP is a 1920x1080 image without any upscale... they uses three old frames (960x1080) more the actual frame (960x1080) to create the full 1920x1080 for every frame.

Now you can back to the bullshing again

Around the Network
QuintonMcLeod said:
JamaicameCRAZY said:

Look. I certainly understand that people such as yourself have strong alliegences to particular video game companies. However, just like I explained before, I am a Nintendo fan. If I wanted indie games, I'd browse the library of a system that has the most already (Wii U). I'm looking at the Xbox One and the PS4 for exclusive retail games - and I mean GOOD ones. You only named one, and that was Infamous. Other than that, there are no other high rated exclusive retail game on the system. So, once again, what makes the PS4 a better buy than its competition outside of it being cheaper? If you cannot tell me without bringing up indie titles (which I have access to plenty on the Wii U), then you're already proving my point.

Again as i have said we are 4 months after release. So why Sony has to beat WiiU's entire library is beyond me. What people see is Killzone and Infamous at this moment both good games both will sell well. Meta means very little. People dont just buy for the now. Some people buy the console for whats to come (uncharted, gran turismo, infamous, GOW, littlebig, many many more), especially early adopters. Sony did a great job last gen of bringing great games and built up a lot of momentium. Seems to be carrying over.



       Coffee is for closers!

Does every thread on this site have to turn into a console war?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

The risk of garbage production must be accepted, because it's the rule and not the exception that a minority of indies emerge and become good or even great devs. But the risk is counterbalanced by the benefit of creating a thriving community of devs, even if a minority of them eventually become skilled on the platform at professional level and an even smaller minority will happen to be truly talented, the balance of the initiative will be positive. After all, it's just the way reality and talent shows work too, only a small minority of the contestants emerge, but the whole process of having them emerge is a (cheap and lowly, but profitable) show itself.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

I don't remember counting 100,when I check the upcoming games on the gamestop website. Sony is lying to me and stuff.

Great, as long as the PS Store doesn't turn into Steam or Xbox Live Arcade.

I am the Playstation Avenger.