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QuintonMcLeod said:
JamaicameCRAZY said:

Look. I certainly understand that people such as yourself have strong alliegences to particular video game companies. However, just like I explained before, I am a Nintendo fan. If I wanted indie games, I'd browse the library of a system that has the most already (Wii U). I'm looking at the Xbox One and the PS4 for exclusive retail games - and I mean GOOD ones. You only named one, and that was Infamous. Other than that, there are no other high rated exclusive retail game on the system. So, once again, what makes the PS4 a better buy than its competition outside of it being cheaper? If you cannot tell me without bringing up indie titles (which I have access to plenty on the Wii U), then you're already proving my point.

Again as i have said we are 4 months after release. So why Sony has to beat WiiU's entire library is beyond me. What people see is Killzone and Infamous at this moment both good games both will sell well. Meta means very little. People dont just buy for the now. Some people buy the console for whats to come (uncharted, gran turismo, infamous, GOW, littlebig, many many more), especially early adopters. Sony did a great job last gen of bringing great games and built up a lot of momentium. Seems to be carrying over.



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