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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do We Still believe XBO can't pass WiiU 2014?

I remember people saying it was gonna pass Wii U when Titanfall released.  If Halo 5 comes out this year I expect it to pass Wii U, but since I think its gonna be delayed and Wii U has MK and SSB I doubt it.

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KingdomHeartsFan said:

I remember people saying it was gonna pass Wii U when Titanfall released.  If Halo 5 comes out this year I expect it to pass Wii U, but since I think its gonna be delayed and Wii U has MK and SSB I doubt it.

Absolutely nobody said that and if they did they're not worth listening too.


This possibly is the most bare bones kind of prediction I've seen in awhile. Even though you pointed out it's shortcomings, it's still kind of ridiculous the lack of further research you put into the numbers.

However, taking into consideration what you have, I can't really say. Your own predictions for the two are so overlapping that it would be crazy to call a winner at this point in time. I've got to say, I have even less hope in the Wii U, though. And I didn't even have high hopes for it to begin with.

Seece said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:

I remember people saying it was gonna pass Wii U when Titanfall released.  If Halo 5 comes out this year I expect it to pass Wii U, but since I think its gonna be delayed and Wii U has MK and SSB I doubt it.

Absolutely nobody said that and if they did they're not worth listening too.

Indeed, that's why I don't listen to you!

I kid of course! You can stop hovering your cursor over the report button now.

It absolutely can, I just don't think it will as yet. Price cut for One is key. It needs to match PS4 in price, or it will stall on shelves. No mainstream customer will choose the more expensive box with a similar library, only XBox fans will.

Wii U has MK8 coming, and quite possibly price cuts of its own come Christmas time. I expect Wii U sales to be at least double last year's, meaning One will need to exceed at least 8-9 million 2014 units by the end of the calender year. That seems like a stretch as it stands. A price drop or a key title could change it though, it's that close.

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I remember that thread. I had thought the XBOne would have passed the Wii U already by now. Now I'm starting to think it might take until the holidays to do so.

Edit: Nevermind, I was thinking of a different "when will XBO pass Wii U" thread from December. Still, unless Mario Kart gives a really big permanent boost to Wii U sales, Wii U will fall to third place by or during holidays 2014. I'm just glad it's held on this long.

I do not think xbox one is gonna catch this year or any year at the pace it's selling now about 30 to 40,000 more than the wii u before titanfall worldwide and xbox doesn't have an exclusive for awhile to move consoles after titanfall slows down what's gonna drive sells unless they gave a huge exclusive to be announced at e3 or before whereas nintendo has their two biggest possibly 3 (Zelda wii u ) that are bonifide system sellers ...that will move millions of units I'm saying not this year they will pass if ever

No and probably not in 2015 either.


tbh i'm surprised it hasn't passed WiiU already, and unless MK8 gives a really big permanent sales boost, i think it will pass it later this year.

episteme said:
800k Wii U consoles between March and September is too low, that's around 30k on average. 

Last year WiiU sold about 600k from April-September.