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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Own a DS? Haven't bought Apollo Justice? OBJECTION!

One of my fave series sadly though ran out of cash to buy this as I preordered SSBB and bought Zack & Wiki and won't have enough money to buy this for a bit but last time a AA game came out even though it was a month away and had a preorder on AA3 I just imported it off Playasia and got my Pre order bonus from Gamestop then cancled my pre order so it was a win win haha.

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This game is not in Canadian stores yet.
So I will have to wait for the awesomeness tha is the Ace Attorney series.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

Phoenix Wright is enough reason to buy a DS. The game is great.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

nazna, how does it compare with the first three games? i'm currently in the middle of trials, and am finding it slightly better than the first game so far.. what about apollo, in your opinion

tabsina said:
nazna, how does it compare with the first three games? i'm currently in the middle of trials, and am finding it slightly better than the first game so far.. what about apollo, in your opinion

Don't you mean Justice for All? Trials and Tribulations is the final game in the original trilogy. It's my favorite of the 3.

Only a few hours in Apollo Justice. Too early to say. Certainly maintains the great humor though, and the plot seems interesting. It has a lot more touch screen functionality than the original 3 do.

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OBJECTION! That was a big twist when you find out who your client was I was wondering why there was a new guy in the game cause I love Phoenix

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

TalonMan said:
naznatips said:
No I actually write these myself. I wrote the Layton one as well. It's part of my mission in life to spread knowledge of these artistic and unique games that you won't see in mainstream advertisement.

Well, keep it up man! These threads are great and, especially in the case of the DS which has SO many damn games to choose from, it helps find the gems that are bound to get lost in the mix...

...kudos to you!

Glad people appreciate them.  I enjoy writing them.  The next one will probably be for The World Ends With You.  

Naz didnt you say to steer clear away from this game before?
You mentioned the fans in Japan hated it and it ruined the whole Phoenix Wright trilogy?

Or am I mistaken?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

iclim4 said:
Naz didnt you say to steer clear away from this game before?
You mentioned the fans in Japan hated it and it ruined the whole Phoenix Wright trilogy?

Or am I mistaken?

I said to be warry of it because I'd heard mixed impressions, but looking through the reviews I hunted down the ones that were written by people who were clearly fans of the original trilogy, and all of them were very positive, and pointed out that the plot and characters were the most important things in the Ace Attorney games.  The best review of the game so far.  Clearly written by a fan of the franchise. 

So far I certainly don't regret purchasing it. 

naznatips said:
tabsina said:
nazna, how does it compare with the first three games? i'm currently in the middle of trials, and am finding it slightly better than the first game so far.. what about apollo, in your opinion

Don't you mean Justice for All? Trials and Tribulations is the final game in the original trilogy. It's my favorite of the 3.

Only a few hours in Apollo Justice. Too early to say. Certainly maintains the great humor though, and the plot seems interesting. It has a lot more touch screen functionality than the original 3 do.

 No, i meant Trials and Tribulations, but i found them both better than Justice for All, thats why i left it out (probably should have added my thoughts for that too)

The added touch screen functionality interests me, i've been wanting an interface like the final trial in the first phoenix game (where you could spin objects, etc), i'm not sure if thats the feature you are talking about, but i'm interested in anything new in the interface.. will pick this one up by import (or maybe i'll wait for Aus release)