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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global HW+SW, week ending 3/22.

bananaking21 said:
lucidium said:
bananaking21 said:

and thats why i enjoy them so much. 

i love you too burgerking

of course you do. you are full of love and compasion, just like me.

Only for special people, you just made the list, so you get to hang out with smeags and vivster in the lovenest.

everyone else is fair game to my attitude until that group is reduced by way of attrition.

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lucidium said:
Blood_Tears said:
lucidium said:
Nice try, Microsoft :')

Now now, no need for that. "I'm so tired of you having an attitude in your posts about MS"  LOL

Are you trying to say it wasnt a good try?, and incase you haven't noticed, i have an attitude in ALL of my posts.

It was a good try.  And it was a joke because I noticed that others on here can't handle your opinion/attitude is all.

Blood_Tears said:

It was a good try.  And it was a joke because I noticed that others on here can't handle your opinion/attitude is all.

I've noticed, but I don't really care, they're just being babies.

Dark_Feanor said:
DerNebel said:
Dark_Feanor said:

50 markets vs 13 markets

$400  vs  $500 (70% bundles?)

People may try  to downplay Xone performance as long as they want, it dosen´t change de fact it´s doing great, much better than many here belived it would back after E3.

I wonder the 180 wans´t even necessary, the only thing holding Xone is price.

How about: Bundling your most anticipated game for free vs just having more stock available (which btw completely flies in the face of your whole "stock is not limited"-theory)

And it should be:

13 markets that make up probably over 80% of past Xbox owners, plus other european markets that already sell the console despite no official release date vs 50 markets of which many smaller markets hardly see any stock at all...

That 13 markets excuse is tired and completely wrong.

So it's cheaper and now? I never denied that, fact is still that the PS4 is easily handing it to the X1.

Also I was making a simple observation based on vgchartz numbers I didn't say that it's not doing good or anything, if that is downplaying to you, than that is your problem not mine.

The 180 was necessary, definitely.

For your account the 80% makert the other 20% would give the XOne 1mi extra sales until now... Cut the price to 450 and, lets say, another 20% boost...

Total  ~5.5mi.

The fact is that for some people (not you) the Xone is so terrible, so inferior that no one is insterested on buying one, whatever the price.

Wait you really think if the XB1 was released in those other markets that it would be at about 5.5mil by now? I think it would have quite a few more sales but to give it that big of a jump in places where Sony/PS is bigger? I just can't see it. I personally think(as do others) that the XB1 is doing just fine and will continue to do fine. Just because it is not doing as well s the PS4 doesn't mean that it is doing bad by any means.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

So just under 450k for inFamous across UK & US means it will be comfortably over half a million worldwide opening week. I wonder if it could possibly hit 600k

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celador said:
So just under 450k for inFamous across UK & US means it will be comfortably over half a million worldwide opening week. I wonder if it could possibly hit 600k

Looks like a good chance of that happening which is twice the opening of previous games in the series.

That 50 vs. 13 markets is just a sad excuse XBox fanboys use, it's about time to give up on that delusion. If anything, XOne is already selling in 5-6 markets too many, as their impact in those markets is miniscule.
Example is France, a country of some 70-80 million inhabitants, an official market, selling a total of 160K in 4 months.
I live in Croatia, an official PS4 market. Country is about 1/20 the size of France in population, and about 1/50 in wealth. Just by population standards, had it been an official country, it would have contributed a whopping 8.000 consoles toward the WW total. And many of those 35 "extra" markets are about the same.
However, as someone above noticed, of course you can buy XOne in Croatia, at the exact same price as in France and Germany.

wary-wallaroo said:
The X1 is going to be sub-100k next week, I think. It's definitely on it's way back to a 50-60k baseline and it'll likely stay there until a price cut. The PS4 is going to absorb all the attention going forward. Exclusive Marketing for Watch Dogs, and Destiny. Driveclub, MLB, The Order. Project Morpheus. Playstation Now.

MS needs to do something or they're going to start fading into irrelevance now that they can't ride on Titanfall's Hype train. Kinect Sports Rivals ain't going to do much of anything. And their next exclusive is when, sometime late 2014 (QB or SO, neither of which are big mainstream games). It's going to be a rough year ahead for X1.

I agree, xbox one had the Titanfall hype to sell so far but now its over and there no is big exclusive like this in very neara fture. MS needs to annouce something in E3 for 2014, but still PS4 has big advantage to increaes the gap and attract more gamers to it until the next big xbox one exclusive. Clearly, xbox one is rushed a little as they have no real big exclusives planned for 2014 very well yet when compared to PS4.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

Dark_Feanor said:
DerNebel said:
ICStats said:

50 markets vs 13 markets

$400  vs  $500 (70% bundles?)

People may try  to downplay Xone performance as long as they want, it dosen´t change de fact it´s doing great, much better than many here belived it would back after E3.

I wonder the 180 wans´t even necessary, the only thing holding Xone is price.

Except of course that the Ps4 sales from just the U.S. U.k. Germany, and France are higher than the Xbox One WW sales. (as of 3/15)

That leaves only 2.2 million sales for the remaining 46 PS4 markets. How many sales do you expect the 37 remaining markets for the Xbox One to add? It's a much more english speaking market focused console.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

TheBlackNaruto said:

Wait you really think if the XB1 was released in those other markets that it would be at about 5.5mil by now? I think it would have quite a few more sales but to give it that big of a jump in places where Sony/PS is bigger? I just can't see it. I personally think(as do others) that the XB1 is doing just fine and will continue to do fine. Just because it is not doing as well s the PS4 doesn't mean that it is doing bad by any means.

DerNelbel said those 13 markets represents 80% of WW market, so I did just a fast math extrapolation.

But, it was the 50 markets + pricing at at most $450, then 5,5mi would be esealy achievable.