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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Damn, that was satisfying. Just beat No More Heroes

I want this game, but I never find it :sad:

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Congratz for beating the game.
Can't wait to get it now!!

brawl4life said:
Holy shit that speech she gave at the end makes the game sound interesting. How good is this game on a scale of 1-10 for u after beating it? Is the sword fighting better then red steel ?

It takes a very different route, you don't swing the wiimote to attack. You press "a" for a sword attack, and "b" for punches and kicks. You can hold the wiimote vertical to take a high stance, or horizontal to take a low stance. After dealing the necessary amount of damage an arrow pops up on screen and you swing the wiimote in that direction to perform a finishing move (very messy), or if using physical attacks you can deplete their stamina and then perform a wrestling move by moving both the nunchuck and wiimote to the onscreen prompts for some heavy damage. The action is fast and furious, and throw in parries, counters, quick lands, and various other moves and you have the makings of a very satisfying combat system.


The story is bizarre, and the characters are beyond awesome. Why wouldn't somebody get this game? Personally after having completed it I'd give it an 8.5

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

It's pretty good so far (just beat assassin 8). Don't think i'd pay $50 for it, but it's definitely worth a rent. I love playing with the cat, lol.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

I got the game last night, and I'm ranked 9th so far. It's better than I thought it would be, and riding the motorcycle is so cool. I love doing wheelies.


I loved the second mission.....going into the baseball stadium, after Dr. Peace. Using the Katana as a baseball bat was unexpected. Sadly, out of the 6 pitches that were thrown, I only hit one, but it was crazy how it went through all the pitchers (except 1....guess I didn't swing hard enough). There were coins raining down for like 30 seconds, and a lot of them. I can't wait to play the next mission.

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I want to get the game, but my parents probably wouldn't like it (I go to community college and live at home, but I do work), and yet I have work and school to do. Plus I have some other games that I devote my time to. I would probably get the game at a later time, when I'm not so busy with stuff lol But the game is unique creative with features, from what I know about it.

Hidden Boss is the most fun, Bad girl bothered me (Especially after I found out she had a one hit kill move), because she took so damn long. Of course, I loved the Hidden Boss most because of it's one hit kill move.

But #4? That one actually bothered me and made me stop playing for a while. Not the combat, but the videos before and after. That became beyond a parody into a public celebration of ultra violence. Consequently, if you love public celebrations of ultra violence (I forget who termed that), you'd love #4.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.



Henry was so frikkin awesome. Awesome the music video for "heavenly star" the song that plays in a few of the shops in the game, that they got rights to put in the game. I love this song.

#4 was pretty disturbing, but that guy totally had it coming, what a dick. Wait, I am thinking of the 4th assassin, not the rank #4. The laser crotch dude was a dick. He got his comeuppance, the fourth ranked assassin...was that the dude with the really long name? If so, yeah that death was pretty gruesome too. I guess that's who you're talking about since it was a public display of ultraviolence. That was pretty messed up. But then again this whole game is seriously F'd up.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Did anyone else notice that Henry is the one leaving messages on the answering machine requesting payment for the ranked matches.

Also, Black dude in the ending might look familiar if you've played Killer 7.