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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rate my collection? Many hours of adding :o

WHOA? 390 games? That's 6-7 times more than me...


According to your profile you have 58 games, this guy has 390... I'm only 14, but I believe 390>58 by a slight margin

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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You failed to notice my extreme sneakyness at increasing my hits.

had I wanted to show you my games I could have linked you to the game page, but I made you click my profile.

Nice Big and Epic collection you have there

Even my collection is dwarfed by that one, and I haven't been able to add about 80% of the PC games I own since they're so old and obscure now. I bow to your disposable income.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Nice collection, except the 52 Xbox games...

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definately a big Mega Man fan! I made a post asking for feedback on my game collection and got nothing but insults and jokes for drawing attention to myself

You seem to be a Rareware fan
even your username.

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I have 1,034 games,, you have some catching up to do :)))))