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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN interviews Reggie on Wii Fit

guys... I am now convinced Nintendo will be holding back supply to support all of the new people who want a Wii for WiiFit. Once Mom buys a Wii for WiiFit you can rest assured that Kids are gonna want SMG and Brawl. Also, a lot parent do not like buying vgs for their kids. This will give kids ammo for begging for a Wii "But Mom!!! I can get good exercise with the Wii! Ya and you can do Yoga on it also..." Nintendo=Genious

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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Who is Oprah?, I never heard of she

Oprah is USA's answer to that crazy Japaneese guy who throws snakes at people...

Really, she is the biggest program host in America, and she relies a lot on healthiness and eating well and lots of crap. If she doesn't put on Wii Fit, she is dim as a duck.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I look forward for the May 19th release date and the games for it

yeah, that over 10games in production part does sound really intriguing. I will have to wait and see what they are though. Maybe my E3 we'll know.

Nice article. If Oprah showcases Wii Fit, it will be huge.

Around the Network
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Once Oprah uses Wii fit, it will all be over

Yes because then millions of people will go and buy the Wii... oh wait, you can never buy it in stores!

maybe the reason no one can find a wii now is because nintendo wants to make it possible to find one when WiiFit is launched.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

kingofwale said:
>There are over 10 games in development that take advantage of the Balance Board.

10 mini games? or 10 full priced games that consist of many mini games?

Damn, I hate ambiguity

yea... nintendo does the same thing as ebay resellers... it was not meant to be ambiguous... you made it that way yourslef.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

Only 1 million shipped!!!

Wow. Nintendo is once again under shipping to create false demand.

kingofwale said:
>There are over 10 games in development that take advantage of the Balance Board.

10 mini games? or 10 full priced games that consist of many mini games?

Damn, I hate ambiguity

 lolololol minigames cuz all Wii games are minigames or minigames compilations amirite???

*looks over at game collection*

Hmmmm.... apparently the only minigames for Wii I own are WiiSports.  Zelda, Mario, Resident Evil, Guitar Hero, and Medal of Honor are not minigames at all.  You may have to rethink your theory there a bit.