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Forums - Sony Discussion - Were consumers REALLY waiting for the "format war" to be over.......

@ Legend11

Many older TVs only had a RF connection and that's not great for noticing differences in quality between DVD and VHS.

The fact remains HDTV sales nowadays completely dominate TV sales, Blu-Ray adoption has happened at a faster pace than DVD adoptation. Many HDTV owners will want to get the most out of their TV setup, for this high definition content is needed and for this the PS3 is a very interesting device providing high definition games as well as industry standard Blu-Ray movie support.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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Girl Gamer Elite said:
DVD didn't require a new TV in order to reep the benefits of the improved format.

Blu-Ray requires a HD-TV to get any significant improvement over DVD out of it.

Where as DVD offered inumerable advantages over VHS, Blu-Ray really only offers two, better sound and picture. Can cosmetic differences really justify a new format?

Well, cosmetic changes do justify a new format.  That's why regular TVs are going the way of the dinosaur, analog receivers for TVs will be phased out by the new year, and more people are buying HDTVs.  The same argument could have been made to go from black and white TVs to color.  It was only cosmetic changes, but as you can see, it still changed.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
It's a hard call, while I'm sure Blu-Ray sales will increase, its still a gamble as to whether or not the format will ever be truly embraced as a true successor to DVD. Either way there is no way it will be adopted with the relative ease DVD was during its emergence.

Time will tell.

DVD took years with no competition to take off. DVD came out in the late 90s and it was not till i think 2003 most stores only started sellin them and stopped with VHS. and if you got facts right HD movies are in more homes and are selling faster then DVDs were at this time in its life. i think blu-ray will take off fast and sony will make billions.....

Legend11 said:
I doubt consumers were waiting because in my experience most consumers don't even know what Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are.

A big difference between DVD and Blu-Ray is that fact that people didn't have to buy new tvs to appreciate DVDs as opposed to Blu-Ray in which you basically have to have an HDTV to even see a difference. Add to that the fact that some non-videophiles wouldn't likely notice much of a difference even then.

Then there's the matter of price. Are most consumers willing to spend more money for the same movies? And what about the large segment of DVDs and DVD players devoted to young children, are a lot of parents going to be willing to put in the investment so that their kids can watch cartoons in HD?

I guess we'll see what happens this year and next but I really doubt that we'll see Blu-Ray becoming a thread to DVD for years to come.

This is what I was thinking about when I posted. Anytime something about PS3, Blu-ray, high def, etc., popped up, many would say that you have to allow average Joe to know what he's getting. Now with Blu-ray being the only hi def dvd, and the PS3 being one of the, if not the cheapest Blu-ray players on the market, average Joe doesn't have any confusion over media.

 About the price. Look at DVD over VHS. It was more expensive, yet people paid more for it. However, I do agree with the latter of that paragraph.

 All in all, yes, only time will tell

One major benefit VHS VCRs had over most common DVD players was that it was easy to do TV recordings (the one and only reason why I kept my good old Sony VCR). As the PS3 will soon add optional DVR support this may bring back this benefit and expand on this through better connectivity.

With Sony's PlayTV for the PS3 you can record TV programs, you should even be able to record and simultaneously watch another previous recording on your PS3 or even remotely using a PSP through Wi-Fi. I hope the service becomes a success and lives up to its potential, I am looking forward to this.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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Does anyone think that online streaming-renting-downloading will take a bite out of Blu-rays growth?

I mean most people still haven't even embraced HD tvs, and when the majority of the market finally catches up, who's to say there won't be a better alternative, or a current alternative made stronger, to acquire media. Haven't Netflix and Blockbuster both setup downloadable movie systems?

I for one do not have a HDTV and have no plans for one until I see a system around 42" for 600 USD. However as most of us are gamers and chances are if you're in the PS3 and 360 camps you most likely have a HDTV to compliment your system. Consider yourself on the cutting edge if so... or a videophile, or a gamer, or not very resourceful with money, or a big spender.


Sony wont make anything out of selling PS3 it's a break even , and people buying it as a player wont buy games.
Where Sony and Toshiba and Samsung etc are reaping money is Flat TV's the players are just bait to sell a $3000 50 inch Flat TV.
Of course Sony/Philips/Warner will also make some cash selling stamping hardware for blu-ray manufacture.

Blu-ray's acceptance is allready far faster then DVD was. With the end of the format war will see it matching DVD sales within 3 years. Distribuitors will sell blu-ray version disks for the same price as DVD by end of this year as manufacturing costs will be the same by then (blu ray has less steps to manufacture than DVD does ) !
FYI - CD ,DVD's and Blu-ray are produced by imprinting information with a metal stamp much like vinyl records once were though the track is far narrower !.

PS3 number 1 fan

I'm actually saying these spikes are do to tax returns... people get extra money and it burns a whole in their pocket. THEY GOTTA SPEND IT!

I don't know about you but I'm buying a media center capable of reproducing HiDef from the HDD whenever the TV decides to die on me. So that means, new TV + new computer for TV :)

So really the condition is the old TV not the format war, and I really didn't care about the format anyways.

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No, they aren't. I dont' think most consumers really give a damn other than they want a sub $100 high definition video device and movies/content that is as available as current DVD and is priced very similarly. When that happens, hidef media will explode.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.