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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best Final Fantasy Game


Best Final Fantasy

FFI 11 3.96%
FFII 0 0%
FFIII 1 0.36%
FFIV 10 3.60%
FFV 6 2.16%
FFVI 60 21.58%
FFVII 69 24.82%
FFVIII 32 11.51%
FFIX 37 13.31%
FFX 52 18.71%

FF 6 is hands down the best. XII close second and IX 3rd.

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KingWithNoKrown said:
FF 6 is hands down the best. XII close second and IX 3rd.

same opinion, vote for it anyway :v

FF VII Crisis Core by far, nothing comes close :P.





Na Na Na NINE!

hieuth09 said:
why ff xiii not on a list, in some way, people still prefer it because of the graphic ...

Anyone who Considers 13 as there favorite probably hasn't played any other Final Fantasys Id say.

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4, followed by 9 and 6.

lol!! Very true.

Zadainie said:

My Top 3 FF are:




Give me your opinion.


Good thread, I love the franchise and occasionally I think it's fun to wax nostalgic about one of the most influencial and impactful franchises of my life as a gamer. I started with Final Fantasy 8, which as we all know means that's my favourite... your first Final Fantasy is always your favourite. I am however aware of how horribly broken and obtuse that game is at times and as such I voted Final Fantasy 7.

I think in the long run it comes down to taste. 4, 6, 7, and 9 are probably the best of the franchise, and whichever of those four you pick will likely come down to personal taste. None of them are really better than the other they're just different in style or approach. 1-3 simply haven't aged too well, which means they're rightfully considered less though from a nostalgia and historical sense, they're still great games. Lastly there's 5, 8 and 10, these are good but they're flawed enough that they're simply not on par with the others. It could be story, gameplay, overall balance... it's hard to say sometimes, but they're simply not as polished as the others of the franchise.

That's my take on the whole thing anyway. I'd like to say though Kudos to you for not including anything after FFX in the poll. Anyone who considers those sub-par MMO's or 'Corridor: The Walking-In-A-Straight-Line Adventure' to be adequate games to even carry the Final Fantasy name, quite frankly need their heads examined. Final Fantasy XIII is the most insulting, degrading, pathetic peice of shit I've ever seen pressed onto a disc and I question the facalties of anyone who actually likes that pap... how the fuck it got so many direct sequels is beyond me.

hieuth09 said:
why ff xiii not on a list, in some way, people still prefer it because of the graphic ...

Because the person who made this thread has taste and recognises when a game is total shit with a popular name attached to it. Final Fantasy died with FFX, if you disagree, you're wrong! This is not up for debate.

Well said.I feel the same way about your opinion.The reason I had FFI in my top 3 and not FFIV is because  I felt  more nostalgic playing the first entry than FFIV.FF IV,VI,VII VIII,IX are the best in the franchise imo.The other are great good but are not on par with the ones I have mentioned.Everything after FFX was sub par and very mediocre.

Final Fantasy VI for me.