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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Mario Kart Wii Thread

vanguardian1 said:
windbane said:

I think you are correct in your assessment.  There are a handful of games I really look forward to, MK included, and there's hope for future innovation, but it will continue to be my secondary console.  So many technical aspects effect gameplay, though, so it's unfortunate to me that you'll be missing out on a lot of game innovation on the other consoles if you stick to just a Wii.  But hey, as long as you're having fun, good for you. 

It's simply matters of taste and change. While I was a PS1/2 gamer the previous generations, the lack of broadband and a lack of interest for media center capabilities are definitely not helping my interests in the PS3 and 360 platforms, and the lack of online gaming means that same-console multiplayer is MUCH more important to me. Also being a PC gamer I won't touch a FPS or RTS with a gamepad. So far however, between both the PS3 and 360 I have about 8 games on my wishlist that are out or will be released by the end of the year. I own more Wii games than that already (and have a few marked for the bargain bin, like Battalion Wars 2) and look forward to just as many more new ones this year on the Wii also (Mario Kart Wii and Tales of Symphonia 2 are my biggest). It's just a difference in our gaming habits, nothing majorly troublesome. :) Oh, and just to clarify : Armored Core 4 Armored Core 4 For Answer Disgaea 3 Eternal Sonata Infinite Undiscovery Soul Cailbur 4 Tales of Vesperia Valkyrie of the Battlefield Those are the games I'd like for HD platforms. I know I'm a niche gamer, but even more-so now with FPS and a few others having such an online focus. :( (very disappointed in Cod4, was a *big* fan of Cod1/UO/Cod2)

You are certainly unique. CoD4 had the best single player FPS experience I've ever played.

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yay 8 player online battle a dream come true !

windbane said:



I enjoyed Galaxy, but it looked about the same as Sunshine. Look at the comparison video on gametrailers. As for MP3, I hope it looks better than the beginning of the game because so far it looks terrible compared to even mediocre PS3 shooters. I did not know that widescreen as added to the Wii Zelda. That's nice. I still need to play that but had MP3 higher on my list because I wanted to try the controls after trying to play MoH: H2, which I could not stand to play after CoD4, no matter what the contrlols were. While I'm ranting, though, I played Charged and that didn't look much better either. It's just disappointing, and I would have enjoyed that game more than the first if it had allowed me to use a gamecube controller. Look, I only care because I love these games. Mario Kart is probably my favorite racing game ever, altough I did really like Rock N' Roll Racing. I just wish the Wii was either more powerful and/or the developers were trying harder.

Holy crap you said Rock N' Roll Racing.  You are the man for mentioning that.  One of my favorite racers of all time.  

OT:  Yea that picture with the battle mode and teams makes me drool. 

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Battle mode looks fun...what kind of battles will there be? Only balloon/shine runners???


mario kark wii is going to have wifi right?

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Yes, MKWii is going to have Wiifi.

The only battle mode confirmed is baloons. No others, as far as I know

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Donkey Kong does not turn half-way invisible, while doing jumps!

@ Windbane
You fail on so many levels, it isn't even worth my effort to prove you wrong, just please stop with the whole Wii looks like GC games, ya know what? a few games WERE GC games, then others looks much better yet you still troll and say they do, so please I'll get the proof if need be but just stop, go play the 2 decent games thats out on PS3 and leave the Wii subject be.

OT: I preordered my copy of MK:Wii today :D

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
@ Windbane
You fail on so many levels, it isn't even worth my effort to prove you wrong, just please stop with the whole Wii looks like GC games, ya know what? a few games WERE GC games, then others looks much better yet you still troll and say they do, so please I'll get the proof if need be but just stop, go play the 2 decent games thats out on PS3 and leave the Wii subject be.

OT: I preordered my copy of MK:Wii today :D

There are more quality games on PS3 than Wii. Check out or If you can provide me some comparison videos showing the graphical improvement, then please do. I've played all the games I've mentioned, as well as the GC versions. Only Zelda was a port, btw.

windbane.. didn't you get proved wrong once already about comparing sunshine to galaxy? or was that legend? i'd find the thread if there was a search engine, but regardless, we have been through this before

Can you leave all of your wii vs HD comments off this thread unless directly related to mario kart?