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vanguardian1 said:
windbane said:

I think you are correct in your assessment.  There are a handful of games I really look forward to, MK included, and there's hope for future innovation, but it will continue to be my secondary console.  So many technical aspects effect gameplay, though, so it's unfortunate to me that you'll be missing out on a lot of game innovation on the other consoles if you stick to just a Wii.  But hey, as long as you're having fun, good for you. 

It's simply matters of taste and change. While I was a PS1/2 gamer the previous generations, the lack of broadband and a lack of interest for media center capabilities are definitely not helping my interests in the PS3 and 360 platforms, and the lack of online gaming means that same-console multiplayer is MUCH more important to me. Also being a PC gamer I won't touch a FPS or RTS with a gamepad. So far however, between both the PS3 and 360 I have about 8 games on my wishlist that are out or will be released by the end of the year. I own more Wii games than that already (and have a few marked for the bargain bin, like Battalion Wars 2) and look forward to just as many more new ones this year on the Wii also (Mario Kart Wii and Tales of Symphonia 2 are my biggest). It's just a difference in our gaming habits, nothing majorly troublesome. :) Oh, and just to clarify : Armored Core 4 Armored Core 4 For Answer Disgaea 3 Eternal Sonata Infinite Undiscovery Soul Cailbur 4 Tales of Vesperia Valkyrie of the Battlefield Those are the games I'd like for HD platforms. I know I'm a niche gamer, but even more-so now with FPS and a few others having such an online focus. :( (very disappointed in Cod4, was a *big* fan of Cod1/UO/Cod2)

You are certainly unique. CoD4 had the best single player FPS experience I've ever played.