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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Preference - Longer or Shorter Games?

I like long games for games like Halo, SMB and Zelda, but short ones for everything else. I'm kind of a Gamerscore whore now, so the shorter ones are better for that.



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doesn't matter as long as it is good and fun.

Good games should be longer.

Bad games should be shorter.

Depends of what kind of game. With Twilight Princess I clocked almost 70 hours before completing it. But I got tired of Medal of Honor after 5 hours. (Not Heroes 2)

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Long games definitely like the Zelda franchise, metroid, etc....

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ssj12 said:
FPSs - 15 - 30 hours

RPGs - 50 - 90 hours.

If the stories are good, I would be happy longer then above. An RPG that's 120+ hours though would be way to long.

RTS - screw length, give me multiplayer

 What FPS has ever been 30hours?  

tastyshovelware said:
My overall favorite games are longer ones.

But now-a-days i prefer a 10-12 hour solo player experience. I also prefer pick and up play solo and multiplayer options (like collecting stars in mario galaxy or playing a few songs in rock band).

 your right on the money there

Wii code: 6355-7594-5867-2364 Wii name: Mo Smash Bros Brawl: 5198-6095-4615 Cue Sports Revolution: 5327-4649-0447 Mario Kart Wii: 3308-8543-5834



Long games, I love RPGs

I wanted to add, I think sometimes it depends on how often you can sit down and play games. It's hard for me to buy RPGs because some weeks I can't get more than maybe 5 hours of playtime. 4-5 months I'm finished, but I can't even remember the first half of the game by the time I reach the end. It took me over 7 months to finish Tales of Symphonia because of how much I was working back then. Luckily the game had a feature that wrote the story out for you as you went along so you can catch up. Still, by the end, I didn't feel any attachment to the characters because I felt the game had dragged on for too long.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I don't have time to invest hours into a game at a time, so generally shorter ones.
But long games are fine as long as I can play for short periods of time and don't have to remember complex controls or little details as it may go months between play sessions.