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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Too Human: Fail or Win

I thought this was coming out for the PS3 also because of the law suite Silicon Knights against Epic because they bought the Unreal Engine for both the 360 and the PS3 and they didn't get what they thought they paid for and so they had to create their own engine?

But I will probably wait to see the reviews and probably rent it before making any decisions.

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It looks absolutely terrible, I feel sorry for the developers, they've been working on it for like 10 years.

Watch the video I posted here:

It talks about exactly what the developers are trying to accomplish.

Legend11 said:
Watch the video I posted here:

It talks about exactly what the developers are trying to accomplish.

It's an interesting interview, but I really just hate the gameplay videos I've seen. GT seems to agree with me, as the game had a user rating in the low 9s before gameplay videos came out, and now it's in the low 8s.  The gameplay videos are rated in the mid 7s.

I truly hope I'm wrong about it, because I think they have a lot of good ideas,  but it just looks awkward, and the camera looks downright awful.  I think this is simply a case of great concept, but awful execution.  Can't know for sure until I play it of course though, and it could still be good. 


The videos on GT are indeed awful. Clunky character movements, cloned enemies, dull backgrounds and terrible AI are but a few of the problems evident.

The 7.3 rating on the video as Naznatips pointed out, shows that the majority of the GT community agree.

There are a few good things worth mentioning however, the lighting, muzzle flares, the strange weapons and armor all look great, and the music isn't too bad either.


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Win? No. Lose? No. Draw? Likely. It looks meh to me.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

People should remember this thread and come back to it when the game is released in May...

Legend11 said:
People should remember this thread and come back to it when the game is released in May...

Unless they change some of the glaring problems in those videos I doubt this game will be a huge critical sucess, or get even close to the 90's.

Scores in the 70's-80's range seems more likely. I also wouldn't rule out the possiblility of it completely bombing, and getting utterly atrocious reviews.

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.


Agreed, looks like a mid 70s game to me. Again, I'm not saying my opinion is absolute, just that it's what I'm seeing.

It looks like Daikatana II to me....

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