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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Speed run tips.

Don't die! >_>;

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RolStoppable said:
sc94597 said:
Soriku said:
Don't bother getting anything or stopping for anything (unless it's mandatory). Go through the game as fast as you can knowing what to do so you don't stop.

Well in most metroid speed runs people get 100% so I will do that. I also know the shortest way to beat all of the games because I beat them so many times. I'm probaly going to have trouble with the early zeldas. Mario is very linear so no problem there.

General tips for Metroid games:

  • Know the game by heart (obviously)
  • Work out a good route to collect all items.
  • Know the strategy how to kill a boss in the shortest amount of time.
  • Dodge enemies, rather than shooting them.
  • Only kill enemies if you really have to.
  • If you know there's an energy tank ahead, don't worry about taking hits (run through your enemies in 2D games).
  • Skip save points that aren't on your direct route.
  • Run.
  • Don't mess up jumps.
  • If you have a moment in which you aren't sure which way to go next (might happen in a long gaming session), pause the game. This will also pause the game clock.

 The game clock pauses when you pause the game in Metroid?  I wish more games did that.  My total time playing through God of War 2 is over 30 hours, because I tend to leave my games paused for long periods of time.

RolStoppable said:
sc94597 said:
Soriku said:
Don't bother getting anything or stopping for anything (unless it's mandatory). Go through the game as fast as you can knowing what to do so you don't stop.

Well in most metroid speed runs people get 100% so I will do that. I also know the shortest way to beat all of the games because I beat them so many times. I'm probaly going to have trouble with the early zeldas. Mario is very linear so no problem there.

General tips for Metroid games:

  • Know the game by heart (obviously)
  • Work out a good route to collect all items.
  • Know the strategy how to kill a boss in the shortest amount of time.
  • Dodge enemies, rather than shooting them.
  • Only kill enemies if you really have to.
  • If you know there's an energy tank ahead, don't worry about taking hits (run through your enemies in 2D games).
  • Skip save points that aren't on your direct route.
  • Run.
  • Don't mess up jumps.
  • If you have a moment in which you aren't sure which way to go next (might happen in a long gaming session), pause the game. This will also pause the game clock.

master the charge shot.

master the wall jump....if you can wall jump up one wall (as opposed to two) then you are doing good.