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Forums - Sony Discussion - The PS3 Domination Thread, will go on until PS3 overtakes the Wii

Nintenpacman will eat this thread.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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brute said:
Legend11 said:
Ok I figure we should put in the gap between the Wii and PS3. We'll post the gap each month to see how much of it the PS3 has closed. So the gap now is 11.5 million.

the gap will just keep on growing

Exactly and thats exactly why it's a troll topic. We know this so there is no point in pointing it out.

No one knew Ps3 would outsell 360 to the 10mil 4 months before. That was a mile stone for ps3 the accomplishment was it sold it in less time. It was a valid point for a thread and topic.

So much fanboyism... so little banning!

Having nothing to add to this topic, I would just like to say I am really sick right now and feeling really unpleasant (close to vomiting). Yet, I have to take an exam in an hour so I would just like to share with everyone my pain, anguish, and misery.

Rath said:
mesoteto said:
*lighting cracks* i am from the future...83 years and i want to tell you it happend last Thursday.....just so you know

Oh god, the sun explodes in 83 years?

 yep that is why i came back here...also its funny but in the future its George Bush the 3rd that causes the sun to explode, it was his war terror, apperantly the sun declared a Jihad on us and was giving us cancer and such....go figure 



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Gamer4eva said:
It could happan, you never know. If the PS3 is projected to last 10 or so years which it will know especially after Blu-Ray has won it could have a longer life than the Wii, but for that to happan it will take another 9 Years or so

but that 10 year life span might not matter if we makes to much of a big gap

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

i luv flame wars like these

*casts firaga*

I for one think that he is being sarcastic

@ totalwar 23, I had two exams today, I had three yesterday, I have 2 tommorow, 2 the day after and one on friday

Oh and taking this topic seriously should involve you being shot I'm afraid.

Who likes pizza?

Legend11 said:
Ok I figure we should put in the gap between the Wii and PS3. We'll post the gap each month to see how much of it the PS3 has closed. So the gap now is 11.5 million.
Well last week saw sales of

Wii            438k

PS3           169k

Diff            269k

Over a year thats 13988k or nearly 14m. Not looking too good.