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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RRoD strikes at GDC!

Man you guys suck! This isn't about the overall failure rate and or how bad the 360 may be in your eyes, this was about a comical moment at GDC and I think it's pretty funny. Lay off the 360 hate xD

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lol .. actually this is one of the main resosn many wont invest into a 360 ...

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Jeez, that must be embarrasing, reminds me of an old classic that showed another MS quality spectacle and probably one that far more consumers have encountered:

Seemingly, the falcon chipsets have lowered the percentage, but the problem is still around.

That is embarrasing from a PR stand point, its not something that you would want happen at a conference filled with the ppl who r depending on your product to turn a buck. That said, it seems the VG Chartz comment section as well as the average maturity of its members is on a downward spiral. Everyady I log onto this site the fanboy rhetoric and the two-and-fro arguments seem to increase at an alarming rate.
As I mentioned in a similar thread[ie w/mud-slinging included],continuously posting the drivel found in threads such as this one will not somehow magically cause the console of your choice to "win" said "console war". Honestly, though on joining this site I thought "here's a site that might have/be able to conduct meaningful discussions on game related news" Guess I was wrong.

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starcraft said:
Software perfection at it's best has the same name though Gazz, so I reckon its a fair trade-off given the repairs are free and effective.

 Lol, all of MS's software projects have been terrible from start. After years of development they still have numerous bugs in Xp for example that have been there from day one. Vista, well lets not get into that one as we all know how that os does for the general public.

 Preventing repairs, that's effective or atleast try and keep failures under 1% or less. The rest is bullocks. There are numerous cases of people (myself included) who got a repaired 360 back just to die again.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


wow..what a blow to ms...this could spell bad things for them. this would definitly give them a lot of negative press as they have been claiming that the problem of the rrod has alredy been resloved. but here it is, the rrod, raising its ugly head at gdc even.

I remember a few months back, almost all the ps3's demo kiosk found in EB, GS, BB and CC that I went too was frozen with a demo of motorstorm running. probably one of the turnoffs for potential customers.
But this ex-po-say really sucks for microsoft.

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Ail said:
starcraft said:
Software perfection at it's best has the same name though Gazz, so I reckon its a fair trade-off given the repairs are free and effective.


Yeah right, Microsoft is a company well known for the quality and bug-free state of their software.

LOL Vista and any other previous operating system..


To all the fools that think im talking about Microsoft at large, read the post I was referring too, Gazz's one.  THE NAME IM REFERRING TOO IS XBOX 360, and it DOES have far and away the best software line-up at this time.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Actually, the PS2 is still supported so that one would be number one if you would look at quantity, quality, price and userbase. Wii would be number 2 if you look at it's line up and sales and then comes the 360 with the PS3 rapidly closing in. All that is done with the PC as a gaming platform kept out of comparison as the 360 would be left bungling down the ropes even further then with tons of it's "exclusives" also appearing on that.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979