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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 in 2008, the year in Preview! (Better than 2007?)

rocketpig said:
Sorry but attach rates don't mean shit. Let's go by numbers... As a console sells more, attach rates drop. That's a fact. As you add more games to a lineup, the attach rate drops due to consumers being given more choice. That's a fact.

No one cares about attach rates, especially the people who actually make the games, and they're the ones who really matter.

I will agree that MS needs to prove to people that some of these non-shooters are worth buying, though. ME and BioShock did very well but many other non-shooters just fade away with crap sales on the 360.

 WHat the attach rate means is that these games are not as huge as people are making them out to be. Bioshock was good, Mass Effect was meh, but people aren't buying the console for the exclusive games line up. Very few people bought the console for either Mass Effect or Bioshock. They bought it for Halo 3, Gears, or because its cheaper than the PS3 with similar games. They bought the 360 to play Rock Band, Guitar Hero, COD4, and Assassins Creed as you can see with software sales. Some of the people who bought those games might have gotten Bioshock and Mass Effect on the side, but that wasnt why they bought a 360


So what im saying is that even though Banjo and Fable might be good games, they aren't moving consoles. In fact, the only 2 games in the 360's lineup that will move games are Gears 2 and GTA. Thats my point. I dont care if Sony or Microsoft touts attach rates or not. They might be making money, but thats not the reason the XBox360 WAS outselling the PS3. It was solely Halo 3 and pricing, and bad PS3 sales not good 360 sales.

Thats all changed, and putting games like Too Human, Fable, and Banjo up and saying "HOLY CRAP THIS YEAR WILL BE BETTER THAN LAST!" Thats not true at all. Those games might move 200,000 more consoles combined WW. GT5, MGS4, LBP, RFOM2, KZ2, GTA(PS3). Those are games that will move consoles. Either they are hugely innovative or sequels to popular series. You dont have to like those games, but facts are facts. 


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I'd like to add something about attach rates--the Gamecube had a much higher attach rate than PS2. Yeah... so, do attach rates still matter?

@Username: "Really, 2007 was the 360's best year, and it will be its last good year, the downfall is coming, the 360 no longer has anything on the PS3 except a couple of exclusive series, most or all of which have similar exclusives on PS3."

hehehe... no.

The large list of exclusives and their range of genres has been explained MANY times in this topic already, so you obviously didn't read it or are a fanboy.

Also: please tell me you did not just use as an argument 'The only thing this video game console has is exclusive games.'

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Jandre002 said:
rocketpig said:
Sorry but attach rates don't mean shit. Let's go by numbers... As a console sells more, attach rates drop. That's a fact. As you add more games to a lineup, the attach rate drops due to consumers being given more choice. That's a fact.

No one cares about attach rates, especially the people who actually make the games, and they're the ones who really matter.

I will agree that MS needs to prove to people that some of these non-shooters are worth buying, though. ME and BioShock did very well but many other non-shooters just fade away with crap sales on the 360.

 WHat the attach rate means is that these games are not as huge as people are making them out to be. Bioshock was good, Mass Effect was meh, but people aren't buying the console for the exclusive games line up. Very few people bought the console for either Mass Effect or Bioshock. They bought it for Halo 3, Gears, or because its cheaper than the PS3 with similar games. They bought the 360 to play Rock Band, Guitar Hero, COD4, and Assassins Creed as you can see with software sales. Some of the people who bought those games might have gotten Bioshock and Mass Effect on the side, but that wasnt why they bought a 360


So what im saying is that even though Banjo and Fable might be good games, they aren't moving consoles. In fact, the only 2 games in the 360's lineup that will move games are Gears 2 and GTA. Thats my point. I dont care if Sony or Microsoft touts attach rates or not. They might be making money, but thats not the reason the XBox360 WAS outselling the PS3. It was solely Halo 3 and pricing, and bad PS3 sales not good 360 sales.

Thats all changed, and putting games like Too Human, Fable, and Banjo up and saying "HOLY CRAP THIS YEAR WILL BE BETTER THAN LAST!" Thats not true at all. Those games might move 200,000 more consoles combined WW. GT5, MGS4, LBP, RFOM2, KZ2, GTA(PS3). Those are games that will move consoles. Either they are hugely innovative or sequels to popular series. You dont have to like those games, but facts are facts. 



So, what you're saying is that Fable and Banjo aren't sequels to hugely popular series'?


And what's this, that the 360 games will have no innovation or won't be in popular franchises?


-Left 4 Dead: Heavily focussed on coop play.  All 4 people MUST work together or you WILL die.  Instead of getting a certain amount of kills, you must fight your way out of a city infested with zombies.  Tell me that's not innovative.

-Splinter Cell: Don't even get me started on this one.  Splinter cell was HUGE last generation, and it's being taken in an entirely new, ENTIRELY INNOVATIVE, direction.  It's like playing the Bourne trilogy.

-Gears of War 2: Sequel to a very popular,  highly innovative shooter.  I hope no more needs to be said about this one.

Those are just a few examples, but you can see, I hope, that it's ridiculously fanboyish to say that the PS3's lineup is better because it has sequels and innovation, and that the 360 does not.  And let's not even get started on the possibilities of XNA.



Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
thekitchensink said:
I'd like to add something about attach rates--the Gamecube had a much higher attach rate than PS2. Yeah... so, do attach rates still matter?

@Username: "Really, 2007 was the 360's best year, and it will be its last good year, the downfall is coming, the 360 no longer has anything on the PS3 except a couple of exclusive series, most or all of which have similar exclusives on PS3."

hehehe... no.

The large list of exclusives and their range of genres has been explained MANY times in this topic already, so you obviously didn't read it or are a fanboy.

Also: please tell me you did not just use as an argument 'The only thing this video game console has is exclusive games.'

 Wait are you talking to me or the other guy?

And to to answer your first question, you are clearly not getting the point of what im saying. Im using attach rates to prove a point. 1 out of every 4 XBox owners bought Gears of War. That would mean that many people bought a 360 just for that game. Not every person that wants the game buys it, but if that many people bought it you can call it a system seller.

Almost half of the people who bought a 360 bought Halo 3. Obviously, system seller. About 1/4 people bought Resistance if you dont count Japan. Maybe not a system seller, but a system MUST HAVE.

Not even 1 out of every 10 people who bought a 360 has Bioshock, yet 1/4 people has COD4 in half the time. That tells you something. Bioshock is not an item that is high in demand.  It got good reviews, but for being GOTY it was outdone by both PS3 and 360 titles in much less time.


Explained like that hopefully it makes sense to you. Past Gears and Halo 3, exclusives arent the reason people buy a 360. The talk about the game lineup selling consoles is false, since most of the highest demand games on the 360 are also on the PS3. And in the cases of the holiday season 2most popular games, more people who bought consoles bought those games with it on the PS3 versus the 360. 

Past Halo and Gears, games aren't why the 360 was selling more, it was price (and possibly the ability to play with friends) 



@ Jandre002

Just so you know, even though I'm not implying that you're directly talking to me...I didn't start this thread to say...HOLEE COW...Xbox is going to SELL like this point, this whole console war thing is solely for niche juvenile genre of the “fan boy” product line.  I consider myself to be a gamer…been playing electronic games since 1983…so that’s a long time.  My point was to say...WOW…there’s some really cool games coming out on the 360 that are going to be must haves for me to try.  In 2007, the most important game on 360 for me wasn’t Halo 3…great game, and I loved it, but Mass Effect was what I had my eye on ALL year.  Looking into 2008, GTA is like part of my staple diet…I EXPECT IT to be good, so it’s not worth me talking about, it’s the ones that I DON’T know about that I’ interested in talking about, for example…Too Human.  The game has been vaporware for a long time…from console to console…but from what I’ve read about it, and the video clips I’ve seen for the game…it’s the one game getting my blood pumping with anticipation.  I don’t know what’s all coming out, and I figured, heck, VGchartz gets some serious volume of gamers, so let’s see if I get some intel on what’s coming out…instead, I got stupid @ss post from small minority of PS3 fanboys who have this psycho vendetta against Microsoft and 360.  Don’t get me wrong, I certainly think a LARGE majority of fans for any console don’t give a crap about what console they DON’T have, and personally, I dislike Sony and I don’t financially support the company, but it’s just annoying when children are ask to stay away and they insist on providing their worthless opinions.  Do any of these trolls think I’m going to be effected one iota by their comments…maybe when they stop wetting the bed, I’ll start to care?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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Ive said this in another thread but i don't think that this year will be better than last year for 360. However 2008 won't be a horrible year for the console either. The list seems round enough to include atleast a good game from each genre.

On a side note am I the only person here that is looking forward to Ninja Gaiden 2, the first one and KOTOR were the games that convinced me to buy the first Xbox. This series is solid and i expect it to be a really great title for the 360.

darthdevidem01 said:

WOW that is some of the most Biased BS I have ever seen

legend has always been like that... he just got better at holding it back



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

Bonafide, I see your list major cred for having Ninja Gaiden 2 on your list. I think that game and DMC 4 will fill my action game sweet tooth for this year.

Getting more excited about 360 games this year.
GeoW 2 confirmed for november of this year - awesome!
It's already on Amazon's Bestseller list currently at #70, but it's $70.

It's even in front of GeoW

the cover looks cool