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thekitchensink said:
I'd like to add something about attach rates--the Gamecube had a much higher attach rate than PS2. Yeah... so, do attach rates still matter?

@Username: "Really, 2007 was the 360's best year, and it will be its last good year, the downfall is coming, the 360 no longer has anything on the PS3 except a couple of exclusive series, most or all of which have similar exclusives on PS3."

hehehe... no.

The large list of exclusives and their range of genres has been explained MANY times in this topic already, so you obviously didn't read it or are a fanboy.

Also: please tell me you did not just use as an argument 'The only thing this video game console has is exclusive games.'

 Wait are you talking to me or the other guy?

And to to answer your first question, you are clearly not getting the point of what im saying. Im using attach rates to prove a point. 1 out of every 4 XBox owners bought Gears of War. That would mean that many people bought a 360 just for that game. Not every person that wants the game buys it, but if that many people bought it you can call it a system seller.

Almost half of the people who bought a 360 bought Halo 3. Obviously, system seller. About 1/4 people bought Resistance if you dont count Japan. Maybe not a system seller, but a system MUST HAVE.

Not even 1 out of every 10 people who bought a 360 has Bioshock, yet 1/4 people has COD4 in half the time. That tells you something. Bioshock is not an item that is high in demand.  It got good reviews, but for being GOTY it was outdone by both PS3 and 360 titles in much less time.


Explained like that hopefully it makes sense to you. Past Gears and Halo 3, exclusives arent the reason people buy a 360. The talk about the game lineup selling consoles is false, since most of the highest demand games on the 360 are also on the PS3. And in the cases of the holiday season 2most popular games, more people who bought consoles bought those games with it on the PS3 versus the 360. 

Past Halo and Gears, games aren't why the 360 was selling more, it was price (and possibly the ability to play with friends)