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@ Jandre002

Just so you know, even though I'm not implying that you're directly talking to me...I didn't start this thread to say...HOLEE COW...Xbox is going to SELL like this point, this whole console war thing is solely for niche juvenile genre of the “fan boy” product line.  I consider myself to be a gamer…been playing electronic games since 1983…so that’s a long time.  My point was to say...WOW…there’s some really cool games coming out on the 360 that are going to be must haves for me to try.  In 2007, the most important game on 360 for me wasn’t Halo 3…great game, and I loved it, but Mass Effect was what I had my eye on ALL year.  Looking into 2008, GTA is like part of my staple diet…I EXPECT IT to be good, so it’s not worth me talking about, it’s the ones that I DON’T know about that I’ interested in talking about, for example…Too Human.  The game has been vaporware for a long time…from console to console…but from what I’ve read about it, and the video clips I’ve seen for the game…it’s the one game getting my blood pumping with anticipation.  I don’t know what’s all coming out, and I figured, heck, VGchartz gets some serious volume of gamers, so let’s see if I get some intel on what’s coming out…instead, I got stupid @ss post from small minority of PS3 fanboys who have this psycho vendetta against Microsoft and 360.  Don’t get me wrong, I certainly think a LARGE majority of fans for any console don’t give a crap about what console they DON’T have, and personally, I dislike Sony and I don’t financially support the company, but it’s just annoying when children are ask to stay away and they insist on providing their worthless opinions.  Do any of these trolls think I’m going to be effected one iota by their comments…maybe when they stop wetting the bed, I’ll start to care?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder