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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 in 2008, the year in Preview! (Better than 2007?)

Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie 3.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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People need to learn to voice and respect other gamers tastes and opinions. Anyone can quote a source or read an article, but opinions make forums interesting. Legend 11 gave his opinion there and it was an amusing read, why is everyone flaming him for it...

Its funny how everyone is mentioning these big games and lists... Even in those lists of HUGE-SUPER MEGA EXCLUSIVE titles, there are going to be games that me and YOU think are crap. So don't assume game is going to be great and jump on the bandwagon because its an exclusive or you read it on IGN. Voice your opinions on which ones will be good and which one you think may suck.

Games no one is talking about that I think destroy most of those "exclusives" -
FEAR 2(or whatever the name is)
Left 4 Dead
Alone in the Dark
This is my taste and you will not quote me saying "Xbox 360 will have a great gaming year becuase Halo wars is coming out". To me that game looks garbage...

disolitude said:

"Xbox 360 will have a great gaming year becuase Halo wars is coming out".

That is so single-minded of you. How pathetic.....QUOTED!!!!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
disolitude said:

"Xbox 360 will have a great gaming year becuase Halo wars is coming out".

That is so single-minded of you. How pathetic.....QUOTED!!!!

F%@K! :)


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Im sorry but I find this whole 360 lineup thing to be really funny. Microsoft PR has you all believing a whole bunch of crap. CRAP I SAY! Lets have a look.

Umm Gears of War? Good game, can't argue with that. A good game is a good game. It sold well, it deserved everything it got, good job Epic.

From Gears of War last year, you have to wait all the way up to Bioshock to find a really worthwhile exclusive game. BTW, Bioshock has about an equal/lower attach rate than Ratchet and Clank.

Then comes the Giant that is Halo 3, which coupled with a price drop gave a HUGE increase to sales.

After that there was ONE exclusive that mattered, and that was Mass Effect, which sold less per console than Uncharted.

Where is this "killer AAA" lineup thats given so much credit for the Xbox's lead? Its not there. The games that mattered last year were multiplatform, and the two biggest games other than Halo 3 last year were Assassins Creed and COD4, BOTH of which had better attach rates if you take Japan out of the equation on the PS3.

I really don't understand how everyone seems to equate game sales to the 360's "killer library". No 360 game even really mattered until Gears. After that the only exclusive that moved hardware was Halo 3.

The point of all of this?
Neither Banjo, Too Human, Fable 2. They arent shooters. I doubt they will well much more than Mass Effect did. Its not the quality of the game, its the preference of the player. The internet hypes up games but nobody is buying consoles because of them. They buy/bought it because of Halo 3, Gears 2, and pricing.

If you think im lying, go look up all the million sellers on the Xbox360. Take out bundled games, and those 2 exceptions I listed. The next best selling exclusive is Saints Row with an attach rate of 9.8%


Some please explain to me how the 360 had the best lineup EVER ZOMG in 07. Its exclusives were ok. Really, not brilliant or earth shattering. Except Bioshock, what exclusive was SOOOO HUUUGE that people had to run out and buy a 360 ASAP? Let me know because my 360 is still sitting there, and since im not paying $60 to play online because I can play online for free on my PS3, I would love another game to play. 

I disagree with pretty much everything you said, GTA will be a hot seller, but to say it'll help the 360 any more than the PS3 is dumb. The price drop isnt going to happen to please consumers, its going to happen because as you may have noticed 360 sales keep slipping, so if anything it will simply even them out back to normal. And with the fall of HD DVD PS3 sales in America should continue to rise. Yes the RROD is a problem, but the problem was isolated a few months after the consoles launch, Microsoft is just too damn lazy to really fix it. And getting rid of the RROD will not improve sales. Xbox Live, fine wine? Apparently you havent been reading about all the problems happening with it, its not wired to handle all the use its getting, and I foresee a troublesome year for it, and as others subscriptions run out, I doubt many except for the extreme gamers will renew it.

Really, 2007 was the 360's best year, and it will be its last good year, the downfall is coming, the 360 no longer has anything on the PS3 except a couple of exclusive series, most or all of which have similar exclusives on PS3.

Sorry but attach rates don't mean shit. Let's go by numbers... As a console sells more, attach rates drop. That's a fact. As you add more games to a lineup, the attach rate drops due to consumers being given more choice. That's a fact.

No one cares about attach rates, especially the people who actually make the games, and they're the ones who really matter.

I will agree that MS needs to prove to people that some of these non-shooters are worth buying, though. ME and BioShock did very well but many other non-shooters just fade away with crap sales on the 360.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Username2324 said:
I disagree with pretty much everything you said, GTA will be a hot seller, but to say it'll help the 360 any more than the PS3 is dumb. The price drop isnt going to happen to please consumers, its going to happen because as you may have noticed 360 sales keep slipping, so if anything it will simply even them out back to normal. And with the fall of HD DVD PS3 sales in America should continue to rise. Yes the RROD is a problem, but the problem was isolated a few months after the consoles launch, Microsoft is just too damn lazy to really fix it. And getting rid of the RROD will not improve sales. Xbox Live, fine wine? Apparently you havent been reading about all the problems happening with it, its not wired to handle all the use its getting, and I foresee a troublesome year for it, and as others subscriptions run out, I doubt many except for the extreme gamers will renew it.

Really, 2007 was the 360's best year, and it will be its last good year, the downfall is coming, the 360 no longer has anything on the PS3 except a couple of exclusive series, most or all of which have similar exclusives on PS3.

Quite funny.

The only reason PS3 is selling right now is because of bluray and brand name reckognition. If xbox 360 had the same library of exclusive games and rushed ports PS3 has had thus far it would go away in the way of the Fruit bat or a sega 32X. And I don't see this changing in 2008. I honestly don't care if xbox 360 sells a single console in 2008, but the games coming out look more interesting.

Here are some more to add to the list above.

Left 4 Dead - exclusive and looks like a godly game experience.

Alone in the Dark 5 - comes out months before PS3 version and looks like a must play game. Why would anyone wait 6 months for the ps3 version.

DarkNight_DS said:
@heruamon: I don't see anything in your original post about having people post PS3 games lists to compare exclusives etc. yet somehow people came in here and threw some flames to start a war. It's pretty sad that in another topic that was purposely set up to flame on another console people around here were pretty laid back about it and turned the tables around by changing the topic. Yet this one which obviously isn't trying to start a war has. 

I don't know what happened here... it's like someone dropped an A-bomb and we've now got fall out.

Anyway it's looking like another great year for the 360, so it'll make things interesting. I'm hoping for some cool stuff at the GDC from Microsoft. I'm surprised there isn't a thread dedicated to the cool thing under the curtain. What do you think that might be?

LOL...Hey DarkNight, as I said, there are ALOT of children on this site...sometimes, it's worst then my 3-year old pre-school class.  Some people just can't help themselve and STFU about stuff.  I can't tell how many times I've seen people post blatantly incorrect crap, like some idiot posted that Google had 90% of the search takes about 2-3 minutes to do a SEARCH AT GOOGLE to get the correct information...just plain stupidity is the mold of far too many posters on this site. 

 Don't get me wrong, I get alot of good info on what's upcoming, and I wanted to start-up a forum topic, in the hopes that other 360 fans would post what titles are coming out in 2008 that look like winners, but sure enough, nearly the first response was a moronic one.  I jsut gived up, since some people have no control over themself and there an old person who has complete lack of bowel control...some of these clowns on this site can't stop spewing out $h!t.

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- From By Schism Rent Asunder