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Im sorry but I find this whole 360 lineup thing to be really funny. Microsoft PR has you all believing a whole bunch of crap. CRAP I SAY! Lets have a look.

Umm Gears of War? Good game, can't argue with that. A good game is a good game. It sold well, it deserved everything it got, good job Epic.

From Gears of War last year, you have to wait all the way up to Bioshock to find a really worthwhile exclusive game. BTW, Bioshock has about an equal/lower attach rate than Ratchet and Clank.

Then comes the Giant that is Halo 3, which coupled with a price drop gave a HUGE increase to sales.

After that there was ONE exclusive that mattered, and that was Mass Effect, which sold less per console than Uncharted.

Where is this "killer AAA" lineup thats given so much credit for the Xbox's lead? Its not there. The games that mattered last year were multiplatform, and the two biggest games other than Halo 3 last year were Assassins Creed and COD4, BOTH of which had better attach rates if you take Japan out of the equation on the PS3.

I really don't understand how everyone seems to equate game sales to the 360's "killer library". No 360 game even really mattered until Gears. After that the only exclusive that moved hardware was Halo 3.

The point of all of this?
Neither Banjo, Too Human, Fable 2. They arent shooters. I doubt they will well much more than Mass Effect did. Its not the quality of the game, its the preference of the player. The internet hypes up games but nobody is buying consoles because of them. They buy/bought it because of Halo 3, Gears 2, and pricing.

If you think im lying, go look up all the million sellers on the Xbox360. Take out bundled games, and those 2 exceptions I listed. The next best selling exclusive is Saints Row with an attach rate of 9.8%


Some please explain to me how the 360 had the best lineup EVER ZOMG in 07. Its exclusives were ok. Really, not brilliant or earth shattering. Except Bioshock, what exclusive was SOOOO HUUUGE that people had to run out and buy a 360 ASAP? Let me know because my 360 is still sitting there, and since im not paying $60 to play online because I can play online for free on my PS3, I would love another game to play.