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People need to learn to voice and respect other gamers tastes and opinions. Anyone can quote a source or read an article, but opinions make forums interesting. Legend 11 gave his opinion there and it was an amusing read, why is everyone flaming him for it...

Its funny how everyone is mentioning these big games and lists... Even in those lists of HUGE-SUPER MEGA EXCLUSIVE titles, there are going to be games that me and YOU think are crap. So don't assume game is going to be great and jump on the bandwagon because its an exclusive or you read it on IGN. Voice your opinions on which ones will be good and which one you think may suck.

Games no one is talking about that I think destroy most of those "exclusives" -
FEAR 2(or whatever the name is)
Left 4 Dead
Alone in the Dark
This is my taste and you will not quote me saying "Xbox 360 will have a great gaming year becuase Halo wars is coming out". To me that game looks garbage...