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Forums - Sony Discussion - If You Want The FFXIII Demo, Start Saving for Last Remnant

Munkeh111 said:
iclim4 said:
why release a free demo when you can milk your fans by making them pay?
anyway, when is Last remnants release date?

 It was announced for Jap/US release in Q2 2008, so we should get some more info on it soon, or at least be told that it is delayed. They will boost the sales of the last remnant this way, and when people find out that it is a good game (let's just assume that) then they will tell their friends to buy it, an they get the bonus of an FF XIII demo. Anyway, I don't think this demo is going to be like GT 5 Prologue, more along the lines of a 30 minute gameplay session

Q2 you mean summer? thats pretty close.
I bet most people will play the FFXIII demo first before Last Remnant.

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iclim4 said:
Munkeh111 said:
iclim4 said:
why release a free demo when you can milk your fans by making them pay?
anyway, when is Last remnants release date?

 It was announced for Jap/US release in Q2 2008, so we should get some more info on it soon, or at least be told that it is delayed. They will boost the sales of the last remnant this way, and when people find out that it is a good game (let's just assume that) then they will tell their friends to buy it, an they get the bonus of an FF XIII demo. Anyway, I don't think this demo is going to be like GT 5 Prologue, more along the lines of a 30 minute gameplay session

Q2 you mean summer? thats pretty close.
I bet most people will play the FFXIII demo first before Last Remnant.

 I know I will!

IF the Last Remnant trailers weren't looking so extremely boring imo,i would think about it.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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I doubt this is TRUE ....

Put the demo on a multiplateform game is a bit strange

maybe FFXIII is coming to the xbox360 ??

or maybe this news is BS ??

Time to Work !

oh so it seems the game will include the demo i didnt get it at first

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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libellule said:
I doubt this is TRUE ....

Put the demo on a multiplateform game is a bit strange

maybe FFXIII is coming to the xbox360 ??

or maybe this news is BS ??

Why do you all constantly try to convince yourselves you that confirmed PS3 exclusives are coming to the 360

FFXIII coming to the 360 is the same as Resistance 2, MGS4, GT5 and Killzone 2....It's Not Coming!
The demo will be exclusive to the PS3 version, similar to those 2 extra GTA4 missions you 360 fans flaunt all over the place.


I'm amazed at how gamers, at least those on forums :
- don't know how to read (english)
- think their wishes are the same as reality

In no way this article reads that a demo of FFXIII will be on the Last Remnant game, and yet, most people in this thread act like they did. All they put out in the article is speculation.
I've seen this strange phenomenom several times already, no wonder rumours work so well and get out of hand so fast.

Ummm....did you bother reading the whole article, or just the headline?
All the article is about is basically the different ways S-E might distribute the FF13 demo.
e.g. (1)using PSN, or (2)as a separate disc w/a magazine (a la FF7/FF8), or (3)as a pack-in (a la Crackdown w/Halo 3 beta), or (4)a closed demo only available at expos/conferences.

The site is only vaguely speculating that it *might* be a pack-in w/Last Remnant.

This announcement, along with earlier speculation in 2007 about a possible demo, has led to various debates about the format the demo would come in, and to whom it would be open to. A Playstation Network demo, a solo demo disc, or possibly packaged another Square Enix game, all of these are possible. We're going to dissect the ramifications of each of the possibilities to see which we can expect in the near future from Square."

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

playnext3 said:
libellule said:
I doubt this is TRUE ....

Put the demo on a multiplateform game is a bit strange

maybe FFXIII is coming to the xbox360 ??

or maybe this news is BS ??

Why do you all constantly try to convince yourselves you that confirmed PS3 exclusives are coming to the 360

FFXIII coming to the 360 is the same as Resistance 2, MGS4, GT5 and Killzone 2....It's Not Coming!
The demo will be exclusive to the PS3 version, similar to those 2 extra GTA4 missions you 360 fans flaunt all over the place.


==> something in ur last post, make me think u are new ... guess what !!!

(answer in my signature...)

and yes, I only see speculation, but this is du to the crappy title !!!

Time to Work !

If FFXIII demo seriously arrives with Last Remnant then consider me sold.

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