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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My girlfriend's art teacher said video games are not art. Do you agree?

Rafux said:
Rogerioandrade said:
Videogames are not essentially art. They are basically just games, challenges for the player, they´re closer to board games in their essence than to art itself. But videogames are a form of entertainment that uses art to be produced, be it visual arts, music or interpretation.

Yes! Finally someone who gets it, the rest are just bashing the art teacher.

While this is (and will always be) a very controversial issue, there´s something really annoying here . Many  people are saying that art is subjective, but at the same time are bashing the teacher.

Well.. if art is really subjective, its up to anyone to decide if videogames are or aren´t art and she has her personal point of view. There´s no point in bashing her or making  such a fuss about the issue.  I myself go with most of the developers and don´t consider videogames art, but some people do.  Good for them if they say so, but most arguments always fall on the subjective interpretation of art.

Maybe it´s still to early to say. Movies took a long time before they were considered art. Probably videogames will face the same path 

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For many gamers, games are considered art when it suits their interests.  For example, if there is a threat of censorship, then you'll see gamers support the artistic value of games in order to protect the game from governmental control.  However, when a developer decides on a creative direction that is at odds with some people, or they're unhappy with the game, then a game is no longer a work of art but merely a product that needs to be reviewed by a governmental agency (see article for an example).

Art is the subjective component of human creation.

Is it subjective? Is it created from humans? Then it is art.

Videogames are definitely art, and one of the richest forms of art by the way.


Most of people have other definitions of art, which are not as solid and incisive and this one and some are even by enumeration. For example, some people say "art is books, paiting, sculpture, music and movies". I call this the private club of the person who said such thing.

Definitions can't be made by enumeration. This only happens when people don't have any idea about the concept they are trying to define.

Some of these people, and I presume it's the case of that teacher, are too conservative when thinking about art. Only things with centuries or millenniums of existance can be considered art (in their minds). So I guess they would reject movies when they first came, claiming that only theatre was art. And that they would reject books when they were invented, claiming that only painting was art. Now it's the time of videogames to be rejected.

There is also other mindset that is based on quality. Only quality things can be considered art. This logic + ignorance about videogames lead a lot of people to claim that videogames, that weird thing that addicts our youth and makes our childreen to become violent, that can't be art. I won't even tell about how ignorant they are, just that they are incoherent because if music is art and there are a lot of music tracks that are superficial and lack of quality, then they couldn't be considered art. But they are.

Art has nothing to do with quality. There is good art and bad art and that is even subjective.

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That teacher is wrong.  Dead wrong.

Games is art as much as movies are considered art, books ect.
Art is judged by the beholder example some modern art i consider nothing but paint thrown against a wall or someone's left over garbage but some call it art.

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Ok, so... Writer + 3D model artist + 3D animator artist + Texture artist + Sound effect artist + Music composer + Music Artist + Game Designer etc. all work together to create an interactive experience that where the observer can move through and not only observe, but even be a character through conveyed actions (creating a multitude of possible experiences) = Not Art???

I guess sand smells better the further you bury your head...

There are museums full of rubbish called art.


I like how she thinks video games aren't art. But millions of people consider those random throwing on paint pictures, art. Seriously... Games are art on the basic of definitions.

She should try to tell the art directors of the gaming world that. Seriously, how does this person have a job?

The way the art world sees it, if the piece serves a function or purpose its not art. Kojima, the conept artist and my illustration teacher all agree on this.