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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global SW & HW UP!! - Week ending Feb 8 (ADJUSTMENTS - PS4 157k, X1 54k, WiiU 36k - PS4 64% marketshare)

Somini said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:
Seece said:

Not really, and why are you makng bets anyway? You've genuinely never got any prediction right. You overpredicted WiiU the most in the 10 week countdown, and underestimated XB1 and PS4 the most ....

You literally can't make informed, reliable predictions Zero.

why are you worried that I'm taking bets? That's none of your business.

I didn't say I was worried, I'm asking why are you doing it when you must know your chances of winning are slim given your track record?

You must acknowledge that right? That every prediction you make fails?

lol Seece, you're giving him too much credit. If he had that kind of insight, he wouldn't have continuosly posted stuff that never happens!

On a side note, is VGC back to posting the numbers relatively faster? We´re not that far behind anymore like we´ve since late october :D

Either that, or somebody was lonely over the Valentines Day/Weekend.  :)

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Anfebious said:
3DS is on top! But I guess no one really cares right? Fuck handheld consoles.

More Like, should we be impress with it because its already release in JP.

Seece said:
Zero999 said:

why are you worried that I'm taking bets? That's none of your business.

I didn't say I was worried, I'm asking why are you doing it when you must know your chances of winning are slim given your track record?

You must acknowledge that right? That every prediction you make fails?

past is irrelevant. analize the bet itself before invading the conversation with your "arguments".

or would you like to participate in the bet?

Seriously, your line of thought is always: X ocurred in the past, therefore it will always occur in the future.

you think that because i was wrong in the past, you have the right to barge and claim I will be wrong again. I bet you didn't even read the contents of the bet before saying those things.

Well, I seem to remember a conversation with a certain user, a Canadian to not be specific that thought after the holidays the X1 would sell less than the U. I said the U would remain he lowest selling this gen console. I am pleased to say I am right so far. Anyways, it is actually worrisome how terrible the one's sales are. I hope they keep Sony competitive. The numbers right now do not make for keeping Sony at the top of their game. If they were not struggling as a company as a whole though I would worry more, but they are.

zumnupy10 said:
KBG29 said:
PS4 is on a freaking roll. After the Japan launch we should see 250K or more every week. Looks like they will have well over 500k consoles for launch in Japan.

Will be interesting to see how things go once Live TV, VOD, PPV, and PSNow hit the US in the summer. Add on E3, Gamescom, and TGS which should be packed with game announcements, and PlayStation looks like it has a massive amount of content to push this gap even further.

I really doubt PS4 will sell more than 20K weekly in Japan. 

But, the rumor going around is Sony produces 1M a month. That is 250K a week. Looking at VG chartz numbers, they are probably holding close to a 100k units a week for the Japan launch starting the week of JAN. 11. That would give them around 700K for launch day in japan. After that they can start shipping all available units.

Starting week ending march first

USA - 100K
EU/Others - 100K
Japan - 50K

Depending on key software launches, numbers may vary.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Around the Network
tbone51 said:
why not add 3ds+vita numbers in the opening?

Sometimes i wonder pezus

Only a small minority of people care about handhleds as much. I thought you would know this being here as long as youhave. It was the same last gen with the Ds and PSP.  The handhelds are like winning a bronze and the consoles are like winning a gold and being a sex god!

ryuzaki57 said:
So BD preorders were massively overtracked. I wonder how overtracked the sales are...

they are undertracked o.O

bigjon said:
AnthonyW86 said:
zippy said:
Xevross said:

Wii U is up YOY :) But only by 100 sales.

lol, i suppose its better than being down. I hope Donkey Kong can give a slight boost to keep it ahead :D

I wonder if Wii U can get above Xbox one.

Actually looking at NPD of january i think Wii-U is still being overtracked in the U.S. Wii-U only averaged about 11k a week in the U.S. last month and sales have likely dropped off further.

why do you assume it will be a 100 dollar cut for XB1. Fact is Kinect is intergral to XB1 it is the only advantage it has over PS4. If 1 sold for 399 w/o Kinect who would but an XB1 when the more powerful PS4 is the same price (and has hype on its side). I think XB1 needs to keep kinect with it or else it has no advantage. A 449 XB1 is their best bet w/ kinect.  Honestly, a drop to 399 w/o kinect is not  price drop its just a removal of a feature to reduce the price.

when PS4 has an almost 2 million lead over xbone WITHOUT Japan, can we really call Kinect an advantage?

Heavenly Sigma said:
Normchacho said:
So is it Xbox One vs. WiiU now? The PS4 obviously isn't a part of this anymore.

 I think it's Xbox One versus PS3. That is if we want to keep it interesting.


Solid start for bravely default! Hopefully it does well, I love jrpg's.