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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twitch Chat Plays Pokemon

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what is dis?

the best thing to have ev... 110 54.73%
up down left right start a b 37 18.41%
this is interesting....... 18 8.96%
ITS DA END OF THE WORLD!!!! 19 9.45%
F0X said:
Slarvax said:
F0X said:
Anarchy is more fun, but I believe that democracy needs to be instituted when anarchy 1) becomes significantly less fun 2) can create an un-winnable situation. Which is pretty darn rare.

Anarchy is the way of our prophet! And as he foretold, Flareon was send to the home of the enemy, Dome Fossli!

You're a sinner,and if you don't ask Bird Jesus what to do, you'll follow the steps of DigRat!

Ah, but if this is the case, then I fear that Lord Helix does not truly support the effort to become Pokemon champion. He just wants to see us squirm like ants!

Do not question the needs of Lord Helix, he is falling through a confusion when Prince Lapras joined us. 

He who shall reign us all, Old Amber, will soon rise and answer your questions, my son...

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Around the Network
Slarvax said:
F0X said:
Slarvax said:
F0X said:
Anarchy is more fun, but I believe that democracy needs to be instituted when anarchy 1) becomes significantly less fun 2) can create an un-winnable situation. Which is pretty darn rare.

Anarchy is the way of our prophet! And as he foretold, Flareon was send to the home of the enemy, Dome Fossli!

You're a sinner,and if you don't ask Bird Jesus what to do, you'll follow the steps of DigRat!

Ah, but if this is the case, then I fear that Lord Helix does not truly support the effort to become Pokemon champion. He just wants to see us squirm like ants!

Do not question the needs of Lord Helix, he is falling through a confusion when Prince Lapras joined us. 

He who shall reign us all, Old Amber, will soon rise and answer your questions, my son...

Avatar Lapras will surely show us the way. Perhaps we'll see which side will win in the attempt to teach him Surf....

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

I will just interject while being partially drunk :) Democracy completely nullifies the the point of TPP. Democracy is just using the best move. Yes, every one knows how to beat Pokemon Red... it's an easy game :p

The idea that randomly picking a move is what has made the channel so great. It's what has turned an almost 20 year old game into technically the most concurrently played MMO ever. If we choose democracy, we choose to ignore the fun. Yes we get stuck for a day, or 2, or 3.... that's the point! It's Twitch Plays Pokemon... Not what the logical move set is. We have known for almost 20 years how to beat Pokemon through obvious means.

Anarchy is the only way. It's not an accomplishment when democracy... and it's not fun either.

But that's just this Helix worshipper's two cents :)

It's a social experiment, says the creator of this.

If he wants to see how democracy vs. anarchy works in the masses, I say let em.

Don't laiek the ruels? Make your own!

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

I wonder if they will ever catch Zapdos...

PS2|Wii|DS lite|3DS XL|PSP|Android

Around the Network
Lumikki said:

I wonder if they will ever catch Zapdos...

Yesterday, I wondered if they ever get out of the Safari zone.

Everything is possible, though. By the power of helix fossil, bird jesus, and the S.S ticket.

Xen said:

Everything is possible, though. By the power of helix fossil, bird jesus, and the S.S ticket.

The holy trinity.

PS2|Wii|DS lite|3DS XL|PSP|Android

What annoys me is that there are so many people that want to use Democracy mode to catch Zapados. Seriously, it's not essential to the game yet they want to take the fun out of it :( The sream is down so many viewers since the introduction of the voting

What are they trying to do now? They went from Saffron, to Cerulean, to the day care, and bact to Saffron!

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

That chat is just insane. I'll stick to watching speedrunners i think.

Pokemon has some nice music though

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch 2 will outsell the PS5 by 2030