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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Killzone 2 destined for failure :-(

roadkillers said:
Munkeh111 said:
kitler53 said:
oh, is it that time of the month again. yeah, haze it going to suck and stuff. yeah. what?!? killzone, yeah, that one too.

 Well, Haze is coming to the PS3, and it is an unproven dev (apart from the insane Timesplitters games, and second life was quite good)

No they are proven. One of the best FPS makers out there. They made:

 007 Goldeneye- One of the best games of all time.

 Timesplitters- One of the best FPS games of all time.


 It was sarcastic, all that Free Radical have done according to wikipedia is timesplitters (2 was one of my favourite games on PS2, certainly offline multiplayer, even if it had a crap singleplayer) and second site (not life)

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I'm just pulling this prediction out of my ass (like the rest of you) and I actually believe the campaign will suck but the game will have a godly multiplayer.


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I reaaly really hope not. I wasnt even looking forward to this game back 30 years ago when it was annoused, but then all the hype got me exited (plus i just now started to get into FPS) so im gonna buy it not matter if good or bad, i just hope its good :)

Munkeh111 said:
roadkillers said:
Munkeh111 said:
kitler53 said:
oh, is it that time of the month again. yeah, haze it going to suck and stuff. yeah. what?!? killzone, yeah, that one too.

 Well, Haze is coming to the PS3, and it is an unproven dev (apart from the insane Timesplitters games, and second life was quite good)

No they are proven. One of the best FPS makers out there. They made:

 007 Goldeneye- One of the best games of all time.

 Timesplitters- One of the best FPS games of all time.


 It was sarcastic, all that Free Radical have done according to wikipedia is timesplitters (2 was one of my favourite games on PS2, certainly offline multiplayer, even if it had a crap singleplayer) and second site (not life)

Ya but those developers were from rare and then quit and made there own company. Some of those guys developed Goldeneye.



zackblue said:
Honestly soriku, if the graphics are so amazing it wont even be looked at if everything else is terrible. Lair looks better than uncharted by miles, but no one really looks at that game since its barely mediocore.

Uh ... joke post?

If not, it's full of fail.

Cause Uncharted is arguably the best looking PS3 game to date.

OT: If Killzone can sell a couple million, it should be fine. 

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Think killzone will surprise many people ;) Also lol @ the comment about mgs being the better shooter, comparing that games is like comparing splinter cell to hello kitty.

zackblue said:
Honestly soriku, if the graphics are so amazing it wont even be looked at if everything else is terrible. Lair looks better than uncharted by miles, but no one really looks at that game since its barely mediocore.

Same will likely go to killzone 2 if it turns out to be a Lair. Though with all the hype around it, we will have to see what happens.


 lair looks better then Uncharted, god damn can you get real.

 I underdstand why Killzone scares the hell out of you, if sony can take the fps market thet will kill the 360 and next will be the wii.  But atleast use some logic in your anti sont rants not pure delusional crap like that. 



Munkeh111 said:
Is it destined for failure:
on this sites scores: yes
on the comments by this site: yes
public opinion (on this site): yes
in reviewers eyes: no
in the general PS3 owning public: no


Since I'll be buying a copy, I'll make my own INFORMED opinion after I play it. until then, it is on my 'must have' list. 

So what do you win if your prefered console sells more than another?

The failure of Killzone will come with the over saturation of the FPS market.

Ive said it 100000 times, the FPS genre has pretty much hit a wall as for what you can do. IMO the only redeeming quality of a FPS is the multiplayer. Either way to stand out in the FPS world you really need something special, and we will eventually find out if KZ is.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

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tk1797 said:
have faith. I'm sure sony won't let this game be either shitty or unoticed.

 Oh I'm possitive Sony won't let it go without a lot of hype (just like Killzone on the PS2) but I'm not certain about the quality of this game, Killzone 1 doesn't give me faith, and CoD4 is amazing it'll be hard to top, if you can't top CoD4 there still wouldn't be a reason (FPS wise) to buy a PS3 over the 360.

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