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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Humble Sid Meier Bundle (includes Civilizations V and Gods and Kings!)

I want to get this, but would like somebody's help to do so. For details, see this link.

Love and tolerate.

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Awesome deal, already have the complete editions of III and IV, will get them for V, and give III and IV to my GF. O.o I see long nights ahead.

NiKKoM said:
Ow nice.. Another set of games to put into my steam library to never play them...

*clicks to buy anyway*

Other way around for me...  I bought Civ5 and expansion packs (got them all on a previous sale) and that is about the only Steam game I play.  I have almost put over 500+ hours into Civ5 already.  However, this is coming from a guy that put over 1000+ hours into Civ3 back in the day.


Yesterday they added two additional DLC for Civ5 and .... wait for it.... Sid Meier's Pirates!