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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What do you think retro's next game will be?

super_etecoon said:
Onyxmeth said:
sc94597 said:
I think it should be their own game none of nintendos. They could get help from nintendo though to make the game better.
I agree. Nintendo is in despeate need of some quality first party original IPs. They spent their first year ringing out every big franchise they owned, and it just so happened that one delayed to this year luckily. With them being notorious for releasing one of each franchise each console generation, Nintendo better start looking towards upstart franchises.


Mario Kart, Pikmin and Animal Crossing say hi.

Given that most games take about two years to make, Nintendo could easily just rest on their laurels and reissue sequels to these games (Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Pokemon) alone and make Nintendo fans happy. Of course, Nintendo is known for exploring their old franchises as well as inventing new ones.


 Hmmmm...let's see. On one hand we have Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Smash Bros. On the other hand we have Pikmin, Animal Crossing and Mario Kart. Ummm....I think the first hand wins. I never said Nintendo doesn't have other franchises. I said they used up their biggest ones. I also know Nintendo CAN make sequels to these games. They just tend not to. Mario 64 came on day one and we never saw another one for N64. There's only one Smash Bros. per gen so far. Metroid Prime series has ended. They may not start Metroid back up for a while. Zelda I suspect another, but way later towards the end of the Wii's lifetime.

I'm not saying I don't want all the things you mentioned, I just don't think it'll happen. New IPs not starting with the word "Wii ____" are necessary. Pikmin I believe was the only killer franchise Nintendo made last gen for consoles. The Metroid Prime series FELT new, but Metroid was hot two generations ago also.

I'd love a new Kid Icarus. I'm not sure why you all want one from Factor 5 after the Lair debacle, but to each his own. Supposedly Capcom's fifth GC exclusive "Dead Phoenix" was very Kid Icarus like, so maybe Capcom can helm it. I would die for Mario Football and Mario Hockey, both of which seem inevitable. A few RPGs in house would be nice without the words Paper Mario in them. I'd also appreciate anything that contains a semblance of a story in it. Nintendo is a little too famous for having paper thin stories, which is fine for the old franchises, because it's very retro. New IPs however should have the modern conventions of storytelling. 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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^ Well LoZ series imo has the the most intricate and complicated story of any franchise. Metroid also has a good story. The rest I agree with.

Kid Icarus is the most likely candidate. Factor 5 seems to be handing Pilotwings so it makes sense to allow Retro to handle another old Nintendo series.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

sc94597 said:
^ Well LoZ series imo has the the most intricate and complicated story of any franchise. Metroid also has a good story. The rest I agree with.

 Sorry, I should clarify. I fully agree that both Metroid and the Legend of Zelda have great stories. What I feel they lack is great storytelling. It's the execution I'm not fond of. What I loved about Bioshock's story is the way in which they told it, through interactive story sequences, to diary entries and great voice acting. Nintendo can leave games like Metroid and Zelda alone, but any new IPs should try to keep pace with modern conventions of storytelling. Nintendo does not need to be 5 years behind the competition technologically anymore than they already are with online, and to a certain degree, visuals.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Retro's next game will be a Metroid game. They may not know this yet, but that's what it will be.

Retro starts many projects but those projects always get canceled and they always fall back on Metroid.

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@onyxmeth I agree they got some voice acting in corruption but that didn't really tell the story. Reading stuff really does get ridiculous. I think nintendo should make a fps to replace metroid.

@ Twesterm That is because they were working on a metroid game in the first place and didn't have time for the other games. Now they are metroid free.

No Kid Icarus- I do not think it would sell incredibly well... alot of the original fans are not even into gaming anymore

I am thinking they are doing DK, or a New IP... Raven Blade would be cool, but I think Monolith is covering the 1st Party RPG at the moment.

DK has always been very graphic intensive(DKC set a new bar imo, and competed with PS1 graphics) DK64 had some of best visuals the N64 had to offer and I do not see why the Wii version would be any different- Retro would be up to the task.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

I want Retro Zelda but I also want them to make a new IP...

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

yeah, a new Kid Icarus

dante said:
i would really like a great new ip
havent seen a lot of those from nintendo lately

 endless ocean, chibi-robo, wii sports, brain age, wii fit, disaster day of crisis, excite truck, odama, battalion wars, warioware, nintendogs, elite beat agents, hotel dusk 215, picocross have all said hi in the last 3 years.

 i'm guessing what you meant was a new ip that panders to your tastes?