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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Game Developer's Conference (GDC) Thread!

Cool Thread!

Too Human Gameplay was confirmed for the GDC

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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Love that gordon freeman/house pic. So bad ass.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

There are presentations going on all week. Nintendo has a WiiFit presentation (Maybe we will get a US release date?) and they also have a Planning the Wii Menu: Pre Launch to WiiWare. Microsoft is having lectures and panels all week. Sony also has presentations throughout the week.

It is really impossible to know when info will trickle in. For example, maybe Naughty Dog or 2k Games will announce a new Wii or 360 title during their talk time. All the video game info will be coming from all over. So, just look back here in the next week and I'll try to sum it all up for everyone. =]

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned APB. It's a MMO from the maker of Crackdown (Real Time Worlds) and is for 360/PC. Considering the CEO of Real Time Worlds, David Jones, is giving a presentation called "My First MMO" it's almost a given that the game will be shown.

I sure as tits hope theres either Killzone 2 videos/gameplay, or a good old release date announced.

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I think the degradation of the E3 into yet another professionals convention has released a lot of bottled up assets that will be allocated to the other shows throughout the year, and more to the point thanks to where the GDC sits in the years calendar it most definitely has a stronger priority position. Companies much start stating their intent for fall releases, or holiday releases soon if they want to generate enough hype to get the kind of sales they are looking for.

Perhaps thats what the GDC has been in the past, but last year the entire landscape was reworked. Now everyone has to play a game of positioning unlike before. Anyone can use any event as a media springboard not merely the E3.

Sony got blasted last year for making GDC into some big E3 sideshow by other developers. I really doubt they'll make the same mistake this year.

I do however expect info on Wiiware, Live and Home.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Dodece said:

I think the degradation of the E3 into yet another professionals convention has released a lot of bottled up assets that will be allocated to the other shows throughout the year, and more to the point thanks to where the GDC sits in the years calendar it most definitely has a stronger priority position. Companies much start stating their intent for fall releases, or holiday releases soon if they want to generate enough hype to get the kind of sales they are looking for.

Perhaps thats what the GDC has been in the past, but last year the entire landscape was reworked. Now everyone has to play a game of positioning unlike before. Anyone can use any event as a media springboard not merely the E3.

 I do admit that it has become more of a media event since the death of E3 but that still doesn't change the fact it isn't a press event.  It is still a place for networking, job fair, and a place to get hammered.  There will be a few big announcements at each key note but it's going to be largely not spectacular. 

I was at last years GDC and the year before and they were both just about the same.  Last years was huge but it still served the same purpose.  Sadly though I won't be able to go to this years, too busy/ don't want to spend the money on a plane ticket.  ;_; 

twesterm said:
Dodece said:

I think the degradation of the E3 into yet another professionals convention has released a lot of bottled up assets that will be allocated to the other shows throughout the year, and more to the point thanks to where the GDC sits in the years calendar it most definitely has a stronger priority position. Companies much start stating their intent for fall releases, or holiday releases soon if they want to generate enough hype to get the kind of sales they are looking for.

Perhaps thats what the GDC has been in the past, but last year the entire landscape was reworked. Now everyone has to play a game of positioning unlike before. Anyone can use any event as a media springboard not merely the E3.

 I do admit that it has become more of a media event since the death of E3 but that still doesn't change the fact it isn't a press event.  It is still a place for networking, job fair, and a place to get hammered.  There will be a few big announcements at each key note but it's going to be largely not spectacular. 

I was at last years GDC and the year before and they were both just about the same.  Last years was huge but it still served the same purpose.  Sadly though I won't be able to go to this years, too busy/ don't want to spend the money on a plane ticket.  ;_; 

The point is, shit will be revealed.  Thats why this thread was created.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Sooo....anyone know exactly what time the damn thing starts?

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"