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Forums - Website Topics - How many members will log on March 9th?

How many members...
OVERRRRR 9000!!!!!!
*cough* now being serious. Probably around 500 members (including me, even though I don't have a Wii).

Around the Network
11ht11 said:
im probably the only wii owner who isnt planning on getting brawl, so I'll probaly be here on march 9th

I'm a wii owner who isn't getting brawl also

i will be on, shouting, swearing, threatening stuff to you etc

anyone who hasnt worked it out yet im in the UK : (

I will be to compare it post my first impressions and read those from others.

I'm not so sure that the release of a game will have a massive impact on this site's visitors. Its never happened before in a big way, I just can't see it happening now either.