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Forums - Sales Discussion - 2008: How much will PS3 outsell 360?

rukusa said:
I dont speculate about how much it will outsell the 360. Im more interested in which software will boost the sales of it.

I don't think software will be the only boosting things.

At least for Others 2 others factors will play :

- Blue Ray

- Word of mouth ( for teenagers, if 4 of their friends have a PS3 and 1 an Xbox360, guess which they will be asking for this coming Chrismas).

- Age of the Xbox360 : Xbox 360 has been out for too long in Other now to hope to turn the tide ( it would need something huge to do that, a price drop by itself woudn't do much, especially with MS track record for supporting a console, Xbox360 has been out for 28 months, Xbox was only supported for 48 months, would you honestly buy a Xbox360 now ? ( I know Xbox360 will probably be supported for a longer period of time, but it is a message Microsoft has failed to deliver so far....)



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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I say about 5 million

- 3.5 Million over 360 in Total Others
- 2.5 Million over 360 in Japan
- Loses to 360 in America by 500,000 or so

Yep the question is not if the PS3 will outsell the 360 but by how much. I agree with the general consensus 360 will probably edge it out in North America, but the PS3 will win Europe and Japan pretty handily.

North America 360 + .5 million
Europe PS3 +2.5 million
Japan PS3 +2.0 million
Overall PS3 +4 million

Diomedes1976 said:
MikeB ,discussing with starcraft is completely useless .

Your right, he's wasting my time. Thanks for looking out for me Diomedes1976.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

not by much, it wont be long before the ps3 runs out of steam

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Reviving this thread was funny...

Just goes to show that after 2007, 2008 was when people expected sales of 360 to drop and PS3 to take over. Now we are in June 2008, and the exact same people are saying they expect 360 sales to drop in 2009 and PS3 will take over. Spot the trend? Even in the midst of delayed PS3 exclusives and the fall of 'system sellers'.


Ps3 has outsold 360 by 1.5 million this year so far.....we are roughly half way through the year & in the holiday the proportion of it outselling 360 would increase

so potentially PS3 could outsell 360 by 4.5 million this year...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

i think this year it will out sell it total around 5.5-6 million

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

others: +4m
japan: +2m
NA: - 500k

overall: +5.5m

May 30 2008 XBOX360 18,993,161 PS3 13,112,362 Dec 28 2007 XBOX360 15,846,400 PS3 8,873,369 Totals XBOX360 3.146m PS3 4.239m Difference = 1.092m 1.5m? System sellers are a thing of the past, its the overall game library that will sell the console. With the game lineup for both 360 and PS3 in the holidays, hardware sales being equal is the most probable outcome (although I personally feel there is much more diversity and meat in the 360 lineup). And anyway, even your projection is much lower than what alot of people here were saying.